Civil War officially torpedoed! For now. Stay tuned for the next bit of witchly buisness! Or... ya know... keep at it. ;) The information on the landing page is still useful. Gathering relics is a time honored witchly passime after all. [hider=Some info and prompts] Shagranoz and Fetzen have brought the Civil War arc to an unexpected conclusion. Well done! However darkness looms! *cue ominous music* Alright folks, if you've been reading and staying up to date you may have heard references to a dark and mysterious force looming in the ominous 'dramatically appropriate' future. Yeah, so let's chat about that a bit. The incursion is starting its very first blushes, meanwhile Lorelai and Medusa are scrambling to arm up and secure the witch's positions before all hell breaks loose. There's plenty to do! 1: Relic aquisition: This I see as the primary 'battleground' as witches rush to arm up the coven in anticipation of the switch to open conflict. 2: Sabotage: Break the other guy's stuff. Simple right? Disrupt supply chains, steal stuff, terrorize and spread dissention. Fun fun. 3: Survival: Write a story about something attempting to kill your witch. Npcs exsist only as needed for your own stories, and as scenery of varying beauty. Plenty of good stuff here. 4: Gather or Ensure flow of resources: Food, reagents, sacrifices, and weapons are the 'mundane' backbone of any endeavor. 5: Thwart Traitors: The Enemy has its witch pawns, so I'm sure there are spies and junk right? Kill 'em, or whatever. Excellent fit for the aspiring mind witch. 6: Everything else: I can't cover everything obviously. The above is not an exhaustive list. Got an idea? Write it out! Any questions can be dropped in the OOC or my PM box as per usual. I'll also be lounging here for the duration of the arc while I'm online, so come poke me as needed! ================================================================== Notes on Relics: For your convinience I've compiled a sampling of available relics and the 'threat' level of their aquisition. Extreme Threat: Thorncrown: A witch wearing this crown can restore sight with a touch, cure plagues, walk unarmed through the inferno, and that's only the beginning. They find their magic fundamentally changed, calling on divine forces instead of whatever it had before. (I.E. Lorelai would summon angels) Their spells are empowered against darkness. (Witches that have performed dark arts, werewolves, vampires, etc) The price however is that performing evil acts wracks the witch's body with terrible pain, even risking death. Bloodmoonstone Staff: The staff of the first witch. Even touching this ruby red crystal staff can kill most witches. Those that can withstand its might can wreak truly apocalyptic magics. Said to contain the dark spirit of the first witch, a practitioner that makes use of this relic places her will in eternal conflict with the spirit's terrible power. High Threat: St. Gertrude's Remains (Lorelai faction only for now) Powerful healing relic Nail of the Cross: Immunity to hexes. Altar of Blasphemous Union: Empowers group ritual magic, conveys lasting benefits to the rite master. Moderate Threat: Old Witch's Ring: Allows witch to see/speak to ephemeral entities. (Ghosts, Spirits, Urge Demons) Witches with gifts that allow control over these entities find their magic empowered. Pelt of the Land: Allows communion with the primal forces of nature. (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) Witches that harness 'nature' magic find their magic empowered. Tears of Leathe: Allows witches to sense the presence of nearby minds. Witches that practise mind magic find their magic empowered. Low Threat: Bloodmoonstones: These little puppies are rare, but not unique. Potions/Scrolls: One time use. Don't underestimate their utility. And more! This also is not an exhaustive list of course. Note: As I'm sure you've noticed some of these are inspired from biblical mythos, and while I don't intend to exclude any other traditions/faiths that's simply the one I'm familiar with. Feel free to draw inspiration from any source you choose. Have fun!, Meiyuki [/hider]