[@SmileyJaws] [center][hider=Allie Rose] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmNhNjhhYi5RV3hzYVdVZ1VtOXpaUSwsLjAA/stonestoryplusp.regular.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/b5ecd191678ccd5605811c0d2584c199/tumblr_nfpwbj4Aa21u3h0sfo1_500.gif[/img] Allie is a cute girl that stands at exactly 5'7". She has rosy lips and her fake smile doesn't look fake. However, you know when she smiles for real because her dimples show even more and her cheeks get red. A slender body since she works out and it's well toned. Allie can beat you up if she feels like it. Her nails are usually painted with a cute light pink color and her clothes are pretty simple. Cardigans, tights that are comfortable, and tops that are sometimes revealing and other times not. Her boots usually have a tiny bit of heel to them since just with that she can be taller than her sister. [hr][hr] [color=#FFD1DC][u]Age[/u][/color] 16 [color=#FFD1DC][u]Race[/u][/color] American, Ukrainian [color=#FFD1DC][u]Sexuality[/u][/color] Female [color=#FFD1DC][u]Martial Status[/u][/color] Single [color=#FFD1DC][u]Personality[/u][/color] Allie is a girl that wants everyone to see herself as perfect. So she’s practically the opposite of her sister Vriella. She acts sweet, innocent, and kind to everyone. Even if she actually wants them to go the heck away. Allie has always been jealous of her sister. Her sister that was [i]sexier[/i] than her, cooler than her, stronger than her, braver than her. She feels weak for having her sister protect her in the past and honestly isn’t a fan of getting spoiled by her. Of course, she actually loves her sister more than anything. Allie isn't really a nice girl deep down. She's a girl that you wouldn't want to mess with because if you make her snap, you'll regret it. She hates sweet people because they're better than her and she just wants to do whatever the hell she [i]wants[/i] to do. Allie can easily get pulled into the wrong crowd if the wrong crows has alcohol and drugs for her to drown herself in. She wants someone to love her for who she is. A deceiving, broken, depressed bitch but she already has it in her mind that no one would like her. However, her close friends know how she really is. To these friends she'll show her true colors. An actual smile. How she's a teasing girl that doesn't genuinely laugh all that much. That she loves violence. That she actually [i]does[/i] have a sweet spot. That she just craves attention. That's Allie. Her closer friends won't be the people that she talks to rarely. It'll be the people that she ditches class with and the people she'd count on to give her a good time. Allie accidentally hurts her sister all of the time. She'd never admit it but it really doesn't sit well with her. Allie is a girl that'd never admit to hurting someone. Denial is something that Allie is made out of. [color=#FFD1DC][u]Brief History[/u][/color] After her father died, Allie soon got into alcohol. After seeing her sister drinking beer. Allie started to get into a bad crowd at 15 and her sister beat them up when she nearly died of over consumption. She was torn apart and her sister got her back on her feet. This was the start of her [i]hatred[/i] for her dear sister. Her sister was better than her. The one time she tried to commit suicide but of course, her sister found out and stopped her. Which made Allie furious for a short amount of time. She is an artist. Ever since she was young, she would draw when she was scared. Allie ignores things around her a lot of the time. She doesn't talk to her mother and she just lets her sister deal with her. Allie wants to be left alone with her private life. She just wants everything to seem perfect now at this school. [color=#FFD1DC][u]Other[/u][/color] - Has anger management issues - Has major anxiety issues - A bit on the suicidal side - Depression but she takes pills~ [hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8s8cd0Fnm1r9a1xh.gif[/img] [hr] [/hider] [/center]