Thalia picked up her mail, and walked into her apartment. She sat down and started sorting them into piles. "Junk, junk, bill, random letter from someone... Wait a minute," she said, picking up the letter a looked at it. It was moments like this where she hated her sense of smell. It was giving off the smell of a circus, and that was strange for her. Thalia has never been to one, but she has flown over one, so the smell was pretty strong. "What, is this a joke or something?" She opened it up, and saw that there was only a small folded up piece of paper. Once she read it, she started talking to herself. "This is probably some sort of joke," she said, looking at the letter. [i]Maybe its not?[/i] a little voice in her head said, [i]maybe it is telling the truth. You could check and see you know[/i]. There was a way she could look, but then again, her parents would probably get mad at her. Thalia did not want a repeat of last time. There are different ways to be able to locate a person, most Google searches would probably be able to do it. She went to her computer and looked up the man. "Ok, why would anyone want to kill the devil, there isn't any reason to, plus he can't really be killed." she said, as she found the address to Lucifer's home. "Oh well, might as well investigate this. I'm curious as to who wants him dead. Maybe he'll have the answers." Thalia got up and headed out the door. The apartment wasn't that far from her own, so she didn't need to hail a cab. She got outside, and started heading down the street, still wondering who sent the letter.