Isla did not reply to either query directed towards herself, instead preferring to direct her eyes to the margarita held in her hands. She was a terrible conversationalist, no doubt living up to her name. She stared at the drink until the meeting finally began, and her attention was directed towards the two Flame Haze initiating the meeting... and also the laptop she felt a strong urge to poke at until it did the things laptops did. Still, she made sure to pay attention to what was said. This was kind of important, after all. And if there was one thing Isla was up for, it was slaying exceedingly dangerous Crimson Denizens. It didn't matter to the relatively-inexperienced Flame Haze just how powerful this Shitiri was, their sheer numbers would ensure victory for the righteous side! And Isla planned on inflicting the killing blow... As the briefing came to a conclusion, however, a rather worrying event had occurred. Crows and thunder were not a good mix, regardless of your stance on superstition, and the timing was suspect. If this was supposed to be an open challenge, then Shitiri, or whoever sent the stupid bird, would have no right to complain when Isla tore them apart. Well, it was best to cover all bases, at least. Setting her untouched drink onto the bar, Isla stepped towards the warehouses' exit. A quick survey of the perimeter would certainly set her mind more at ease, for now.