Ushio, nervously gripping the fabric of her school uniform, kept her eyes cast to the ground as Hiromi spoke. That stare was indeed quite concerning... but quickly proven to be a false alarm for Ushio's nervous disposition. As expected, her friend was not overly bothered by her time-keeping. Allowing herself a small, bashful smile, the pink-haired student quietly apologised once more. "Y-yes, of course..." Ushio replied, almost whispering to Hiromi's statement. Her cheeks were practically burning, as was always the case when Ushio was referred to as a maid. Obviously, she wasn't ashamed of her position - on the contrary, Ushio was more than grateful! - but given she seemed to be the only maid in the entire school, it made her feel a little awkward sometimes. Still, she wasn't going to quit over that! She needed to be stronger! Once more gathering a mite of couraqge, Ushio raised her voice slightly and continued, "Shall we go then, m-mis-muh-bluhh..." Well, her bravery reserves were now thoroughly drained.