[h2]Jennifer White[/h2] With the random underclassman out of the way, the two swordswomen were able to concentrate solely on each other. The blonde was the first to move, breaking the standoff that was developing after a quick glance at her opponent told her what she needed to know: she had an advantage in reach and, against such a newer Divine Gear, letting the smaller girl start bringing out special attacks would be a really bad idea. So, use her extra range to fight defensively or attack... there was only one answer to that question. Go in hard and stop this before it could even get going. The only clue before Jen shifted and cleared the space was the golden radiance as her sword lit up, pistons firing up and gears turning--itself a distraction to make Ruriko even more defensive because who [i]knew[/i] what the light could represent? The short slash that followed was polished, practised... and entirely intended to be avoided somehow, so long as it got Jen in close enough to release one hand and sucker punch her opponent. It was amazing the number of people that forgot that a serious fight was a perfectly fine place to use your fists; Divine Gears weren't made for sport.