[center][color=6A5ACD][h1]Background[/h1][/color][/center] A hundred years after the fall of the World Eater, Emperor Lucius Mede I has been assassinated, some say by the Aldmeri Dominion, others say by the Dark Brotherhood, and some still, believe a much more sinister force is at work. With the Imperial Throne being up for the taking, three factions arise to seize it. The Aldmeri Dominion want to add Cyrodiil to their Elven Empire. The Mede Militant wish for the Empire and Tamriel to stay as it has been. The Peoples Government of Cyrodiil, the rebellion led by Count Cayne of Skingrad, wants to install a democracy in Cyrodiil. This has split Cyrodiil in half. Bruma, Chorrol, Anvil and Kvatch support Count Cayne while Bravil, Cheydinhal and Leyawiin support the Militant. Not only is Cyrodiil split in half but Tamriel itself has been brought into this war. High Rock, Hammerfell, and Skyrim support the PGC. Valenwood, Black Marsh and Elsweyr support the Militant and Morrowind and the Summerset Isles support the Dominion. However, the Great Civil War is the least of Tamriel’s worries. Namira, the Daedric Prince of Repulsion, wishes to ruin the beauty of Tamriel. She does this by raising hordes of undead, giant insects and other repulsive creatures and she needs 3 Death Knights to lead her Hordes of Repulsion. But Meridia, the Daedric Prince of light, despises the undead and wishes to purify Tamriel. She raises an army of “purified souls,” mortals made immortal and ascending to Meridia’s Plane of Oblivion in exchange for eternal service to her. However, Meridia needs 3 champions, known as Paladins of the Dawn to lead her Purified Army. Okay, so there's no more Paladin spots left and all 3 Death Knight spots left. It's first come, first serve, The Paladins are entirely good while the Death Knights are entirely evil. Besides that, you can serve either faction, be a mercenary or be neutral. [color=6A5ACD][center][h3]Rules[/h3][/center] There aren't a lot of rules, to be honest. [list] [*]No God Moding [*]Before you attack and/or kill a character consult with GM and the person [*] If you want to make a monumental character decision, such as making your character Dragonborn, making your character a Count, etc..., consult the GM and co-GM first. [*]Have fun! That's what this is all about [/list][/color] [center][color=6A5ACD][h2]The military ranks are:[/h2][/color][/center] [color=6A5ACD][h3][list] [*]General Commandant [*]General [*]Commander [*]Captain [*]Soldier Consult GM if you want to be any rank higher than Commander. [/list][/h3][/color] [center][color=6A5ACD][h2]This is a casual roleplay for Elder Scrolls fans. Do try to have a pretty good understanding of TES lore please.[/h2][/color][/center] Basic info: The Great Civil war started in 4E 330 and has been going on for 5 years. Artorius Mede I leads the Militant, Count Cayne of Skingrad leads the PGC, and High Commander Ulacando leads the Dominion. The colors/banners of the Armies are: A black wolf howling at a red moon for the PGC, The Imperial Dragon in black on a blue field for the Militant and a Gold eagle on a red field for the Dominion. Dragons have returned but they are native to Skyrim, with only a rare handful living in the Jerrals of Cyrodiil. [color=6A5ACD][center][h2]Character Sheet[/h2][/center][/color] [hider=Character Sheet][color=6A5ACD]Name: Gender: Age: Race: Backstory: (Who is your character? What brought them to this point?) Personality: (What are they like? What are their preferences?) Gear: (Set up like follows) Weapon 1: Weapon 2: (optional) Offhand: (shield or such) Armor: Items in possession: (water, food, crafting items, etc.) Appearance: (Detailed description and/or a picture) Special skills: (What do they exceed at? Magic, swordplay, etc.) Skill 1: Skill 2: Skill 3:[/color][/hider] [@beyours elf] [@POOHEAD189] [@jumpadraw] [@Ryuzaki] [@SaikaAnge]