[center][b][color=6ecff6]Arys[/color][/b][/center] Arys rolled her eyes and turned her face away from the Fall King. The arrogance of the ruler was only outmatched by his ego and conceit. Using her own magic Arys waved her hand to cause a seat of solid ice to appear. It wasn't what one might call a 'throne' and it certainly was nothing compared to her throne back in her realm, but it was regal enough for the oocasion. It took all she had within her to stand perfectly unaffected when he dared touch her. Did he know any shame at all? Her grey/blue eyes seemed to glow as a spike of cold went down her arm to his hand, but if he felt the jolt of ice he didn't show it. She did not want him touching her. She didn't want anyone touching her. She ignored the wine. Number one she would drink nothing provided by the King of Fall and two unlike others she did not view this as a social meeting. This was the yearly meeting to make, peace and trades. Which ones were made here remained to be seen. If Spring would arrive they could begin. The sooner they begun the sooner they would finish and the sooner she could return to her own realm, to her much loved solitude. Winter kept to itself, staying out of the affairs of other realms. As a result, items from the Winter Realm; gems, gold, silver and various other ores; were highly sought after, not found in other realms. Especially the gemstones, which had strong magical properties. The thing Winter lacked was food and textiles. But those things were easily procured from Fall and Spring respectively. She would have nothing to do with Summer. There was nothing he could offer that she wanted. Pressing her palms together, Arys slowly drew them apart to reveal a beautiful intricate snowflake. Pressing them together again, she opened them to reveal a crescent moon with a large star resting inside of it. Then a delicate flower. Then the head and chest of a mighty stag. Then the profile of a wolf howling. She continued to do this, her hands creating multiple ice carvings. It was something to do while they waited for Spring to show his face. Although she seemed distracted, Arys was closing observing both males before her.