[center][h1]The Alchemist & The Scholar[/h1][/center] [sub][@idlehands] & [@DearTrickster][/sub] [hr] Kiralla had kept pace with the group while they approached the town she dismissed her fire atronach, Cindy. Despite still not feeling anywhere near comfortable around the others the guard’s narrowing their eyes at her was enough to tone down the aggressive defences. As they made their way to the local tavern, she pulled a face but didn’t bother with a complaint. When they took a seat while Cedric and Brynn carried on all sorts of friendly with one another. She settled pulling out her journal and the page she snatched from the satchel of gold studying the picture. She began sketching and copying the face into the pages in case the parchment was lost while idly listening to the conversations carrying on around her. The Gaptooth Grin had all the charm of a festering boil but Gaela had been in worse places and she paid little mind to the stares of the locals as the troupe of outsiders wandered into their midst. She had no objections of the company of drunk men and stone eyed women, many times she had treated the results of a bar fight or one of Dibella’s diseases. With a congenial smile on her freckled face, she strolled among the tables, her packs bumping patrons as she tried to squeeze through. “Watch it,” one of them grumbled after she had turned too quickly and her knapsack knocked the mug of ale in his hand. “Oh, sorry,” she apologized and quickly scooted towards a table where the other mage sat drawing. Gaela smoothed out her rumbled robes and approached, her river blue eyes peeking over Kiralla’s shoulder, “Mind if I sit? What is that you’re doing?” Kiralla finished shading the man’s nose then peeked up at Gaela, her friendly face and polite approach warmed Kiralla’s mood a bit while her mind raced in desperate attempts to quell any smidgens of attraction. Unfortunately it failed to stop her mouth from flapping about, “[color=moccasin]I-I-I-I…[/color]” Kiralla took a deep steadying breath then answered her question straightening her shoulders, “[color=moccasin]C-certainly. I am cop-copying our t-target’s face to my journal.[/color]” She leaned back to let Gaela have a look. Licking her lips she continued, “[color=moccasin]It is all I-I can th-think to do at the moment.[/color]” Her lightly scarred hand brushed some hair from her face tucking it behind her ear. “[color=moccasin]I noticed you spent ti-time healing s-some of the wounded in Meir Thorvale. R-rather admirable of y-you.[/color]” Leaning over, Gaela tilted her head as she looked at the drawings, wisps of brown hair escaping her haphazard bun dangled in her face, “That’s a good likeness.” “[color=moccasin]Thank you.[/color]” Kiralla brushed her hand across the page removing pencil crumbs. Removing her knapsack she put it below the table along with her walking staff and plopped onto one of the chairs. “Glad to be off my feet, that was a hike.” Gaela listened to her speech pattern, the halting and stuttering but was not bothered by it though it made her wonder. Keeping the questions for another time, the mage folded her hands before her and replied, “It is my calling and my craft, to heal. Restoration along with alchemy is my specialization. I just wish there had been more people to actually save.” Kiralla studied Gaela while she spoke choosing to focus on her words instead of her lips. “[color=moccasin]My mother is a Kynareth priestess, pushed me to-to study restoration. I-I know the basics buh-but never had the p-patience for it.[/color]” Her voice softened at the mention of her mother, she had last seen her a few weeks ago when she decided to travel to High Rock and naturally her first stop was Jehanna to see her family. They would not believe the next letter she sends them. Her full eyebrows knit inward as she recalled the dead and the smile vanished from her lips, like a cloud crossing the sun, “There was little any of us could do against those forces and unfortunately we’re to be puppets.” “[color=moccasin]Meir Thorvale was-wasn’t our fault. I-I don’t know wuh-what it is you were imprisoned for but to t-take the blame unto y-yourself is a waste of energy.[/color]” Kiralla said sincerely in hopes to not only remind herself that she had no reason to feel guilty but Gaela as well. She looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs for a moment, “Hey, we should order some wine or something. So, I keenly observed the clues that allowed me to deduce you are a Conjurer.” Gaela scrunched her nose and smiled, then waved at the harried waitress who passed their table up to serve a demanding table of drunken men. A small smile pulled in response, “[color=moccasin]Yes, wine wood-would be excellent. You-you’re powers of observation are-are correct.[/color]” “[color=moccasin]While healing is-is your calling, I th-threw my lot in with the school of conjuration. I-I’ve been honing my skills at-at the College of Winterhold for-for…[/color]” Kiralla paused counting on her fingers the years. “[color=moccasin]Fourteen years, gi-give or take.[/color]” Gaela brightened, “Kynareth is one of my favorite Divines, her beauty and bounty make up my apothecary. My mother was an herbwoman but I studied in Daggerfall after...well, when I got old enough. I was apprenticed to a Lord’s mage and then I went to the Temple of the Divines, toyed with the idea of becoming a priestess of Mara but I could not make the commitment. I like to travel and explore too much to stay in one place long.” Kiralla nodded listening to Gaela speak, grateful she was willing to chatter on. Kiralla was fond of listening especially in regards to her peers. Gaela had a traditional education for High Rock children through the Temple of the Divines. Kiralla often wondered how her education would have turned if she had been fully trained by her mother. Those choices seem like a lifetime ago now. She reached to her chest, rubbing her hand along it and up to her neck where the braided thong disappeared into her robes. “Winterhold? I’ve always wanted to visit. I’ve only gone as far as Markarth I’m afraid. What drew you to Conjuration, if I may ask? It’s often a...difficult subject to master and dangerous.” “[color=moccasin]Soul gems actually is wh-what drew me into co-conjuration. Made it my li-life’s research.[/color]” Kiralla said templing her fingers then leaning her chin against them, “[color=moccasin]D-despite what the vigilant thinks I-I am [i]not[/i] a necromancer.[/color]” The waitress finally approached and Gaela dug into one of her many pouches to find a septim. “We’ll have bottle of something red and two glasses.” The woman plucked the coin from her and Gaela turned to Kiralla, “I don’t know about you but after today, I’m pretty thirsty. You’re right about it not being our fault but it is something not easily put behind. And as for what I was imprisoned for was a...mistake. My mistake but it was not purposeful.” Gaela spoke so plainly and freely. Kiralla often ran into mages taught by the hands of the faith to be rather uptight. Difficult to associate with especially after they discovered her skills and research into conjuration. She wondered though what would have gotten a seemingly kind woman such as Gaela to be thrown in a dungeon, mistake or no. “[color=moccasin]If I to-told you why I was imprisoned, y-you would not [i]beli-believe[/i] me. It is as-as stupid as it is absurd.[/color]” Kiralla chuckled lightly. Quirking her lips, she decided not to go down that road and switched the subject, chattering away at the dusky skinned woman, “What do you make of this lot? Fiona seems nice enough, she helped me heal a man.” Kiralla’s eyes flicked left and right then she picked her pencil back up and continued to sketch casting her green eyes back to her journal. Answering carefully knowing the others were talking as much as they were listening as well. “[color=moccasin]The only opinion I have-have is of Cyrendil. We-we are not going to get along.[/color]” Kiralla said tightly through gritted teeth, “[color=moccasin]I-I personally intend to keep my he-head down and wat-watch my own back, I d-do-do not expect anyone else to keep me safe. Thi-this is a detour on my trip to publishing my r-research.[/color]” She said bluntly. Gaella looked at her thoughtfully, “That is an understatement. The Vigilant are pretty black and white in their code, so I’ve read.” Glancing around at the rest of the party scattered through the tavern, she sighed, “You’re probably right, we’re alone in a crowd. I’m sure it won’t just be the guards of the castle we’ll have to watch out for.” Kiralla pursed her dry lips at Gaela’s downturn in mood, the arrival of the wine couldn’t have come at a better time. Kiralla accepted the goblets and the bottle. Placing one in front of Gaela and pouring it full to the rim. “[color=moccasin]I, however, know th-that if we collaborate we-we will have a-a better chance at survival. Do not lose hope.[/color]” She said trying out a warm smile raising her goblet scars on her cheeks crinkling. “[color=moccasin]If-if you were willing I-I’d be interested in accompanying you in collecting ingredients. I-I-If you-you-you would have muh-[i]me[/i].[/color]” Kiralla stuttered out failing to stop the blots of colour on her cheeks. Then just as quickly covered, “[color=moccasin]I-I’m interested in studying why some ingredients supplement and boost magicka.[/color]” Taking the wine, she swirled it, peering into the heavy goblet. She could smell the sour smell of the cheap village swill, “Hope toasted with vinegar, sounds about right.” Gaela huffed a soft laugh and raised her glass, taking a timid sip before squinting at the taste. At the mention of gathering, she perked up and smiled, “You’d be welcome, I’d enjoy the company. I spend so much time alone on hunting for materials, it would be a nice change. As for ingredients that boost magicka, it’s generally a combination of their makeup but more so their preparation. Most stuff has several uses, it varies with what it’s combined with also in strength. And who prepares it, some alchemists are more skilled than others.” Kiralla nodded attentively scribbling a few notes on a new page of her journal. Taking a long drink of her own wine finishing the note. It tasted young and full of tannins. She had worse, though this was far from being good. Warming to her subject, she spoke with enthusiasm, leaning forward towards the other mage. Her grey blue eyes brightened, “I am curious as to what can be found between here and Camlorn, it is a road I have not taken. I did see some golden poppies on the way.” Kicking her feet under her chair, Gaela giggled, dipping her head conspiratorially towards Kiralla and whispered, “Of course, those aren’t for magicka, they’re for charming people.” She gazed at Gaela a happy twinkle in her eye she forced herself to turn away taking another long drink of her wine, now more than ever was she in [i]trouble[/i]. Her train of thought completely lost on the conversation that no amount of focus could pull back the all too familiar flutter in her stomach. It hadn’t even been a full day. Letting out a long sigh of defeat the heat in her face was the only indication to how she felt. It was like being back in Daggerfall, meeting up with the mage apprentices and novices at the local tavern to drink and talk for hours about theories and spells. She drank the rest of her wine and reached for the bottle and paused suddenly, “Oh! I meant to ask, what research? You mentioned it and I got distracted. Can’t get me onto herbs and such, I’ll talk your ear off.” Attention pulled back at the question Kiralla answered happy to have been distracted, though much like Gaela when someone showed genuine interest in her craft enthusiasm was difficult to contain. “[color=moccasin]Soul Gems, I have been and continue to-to research on extending s-soul gem life. Though generally I-I have researched the planes of Oblivion extensively as well. F-fascinating subject matter.[/color]” She grinned a toothy smile at her peer, “[color=moccasin]I h-have written thousands of words about both. The research I’m-I’m hoping to publish is about soul gems.[/color]” Patting the leather cover of the journal. “[color=moccasin]D-despite the detour, it is incredibly satisfying t-to be well-well on my way to publishing years o-of culminated knowledge.[/color]” Pride shining through her voice squinting happily at Gaela. Gaela perked with interest. Soul gems were something she had learned about but rarely had an opportunity to handle them. “Fascinating, does it not worry you dancing so close to danger? It seems very interesting but I’m afraid you would have to enlighten me, I never studied Conjuration too in depth. In particular, the capturing of souls.” Rubbing her slim fingers together, “I’ve always preferred a more tactile practice.” As pleasant as their conversation had carried on Kiralla felt their surroundings melt around them. Although the dredges of young and strong wine could have helped to attribute to the quieting of her critical mind. At a local table rabble of men and shrill giggles of women somehow grew louder than the ambient noise of the tavern. Locals out to unwind after a long day of work at the mill. The group of men and women that had entered earlier had all but settled into their own spheres of conversation. One particularly drunk mill worker by the name of Nolan Theitri, tall and comparably imposing stature to the other men gathered around him. He had been casting glances past the woman on his lap to the mages heads bowed and clearly enjoying each other’s company. His dark brown eyes were foggy with intoxication and his attention divided. It seemed wrong, all the women in the tavern should have been laying eyes on him and solely him. He pushed off the woman on his lap cutting her giggles short and he all but lumbered toward the pair of mages. His hairy and large hand slammed on the book between the two of them making them jump, startled. “Yuh two should join [i]me[/i]. Plenty of room on ole Nolan’s lap!” He bellowed reeking of ale and sweat. “Yuh ladies would better spend your time admiring my biceps instead of those dusty pages!” He laughed splashing ale across Kiralla’s journal cover. Then leaning in close to Gaela eyes locked on her chest. A low growl of admiration rumbling out of him like an animal. Then turning to admire Kiralla’s as well. “There’s even enough to share!” His hand clutched at his crotch. Gaela looked up with a start when the man rudely interrupted them. She looked at Kirella in amazement and then back at him. Her brows rose above wide river colored eyes and she burst out laughing, covering her mouth as she giggled uncontrollably at the drunk. She sputtered and caught her breath, looking up at the hulking figure, “Um, no thanks. We’re gonna have the stew, not the sausage.” Kiralla was half way through a snarl when the ale spilled across her journal scrambling to wipe it off with her sleeve before it stained. Nolan invaded their space with a loud bellow making her ears ring. Gaela’s joke prompted Kiralla to grow indignant, “[color=moccasin]D-[i]disgusting[/i]. A pork sausage, reeking of the p-pigsty.[/color]” Nolan’s mood darkened immediately at the mage’s laughter and comments laying his hands on both of their shoulders with a painful grasp. “Ain’t nobody talk to Nolan that way.”