Interesting post there Kirra. I dropped a post there as you suggested. I also read the GM interview. Sooooo, anybody have any thoughts and/or ideas about the plot? I'll give you a litte preview of what's to come in Act 2: The patriarch will have gone missing. Without his guidance, The Cult will shatter into three or four seperate groups each with their own views, and beliefs. One of these groups will be composed of mostly psychotic people whose's minds have been warped by the rift. A new mysterious drug will start to be passed around. The drug warps the minds of the people who take it and will occasionally transform them into Hybrids. A power struggle will occur within the mafia (Led by the Salvieown family). The power struggle is caused by (A) the bad blood between Salvieown family and Mauriello. (B)The Farronvontti's struggle in Newtown ever since Bisk rose to power. Bisk will be working behind the scenes in an attempt instigate the Mafia's power struggle. A mysterious assassin will be trying to kill the heroes and The Watcher. The Watcher's informents will be picked off one by one as the assassin trys to discover the identity of the watcher. People will die. Bisk's span of power will have grown. The elections for the city's new mayor will be just around the corner with Bisk in the lead. All hope will seem lost.