[h1][color=Slategray]Goro Nyudo Masamune[/color][/h1] Goro stayed silent through the man's words, still evaluating the man for his prospects in the coming battle. He'd developed an eye for this, having seen many a warrior approach him for his fine arms, and he could see that this man didn't seem to have much capacity for war. Not useless, but certainly out of his element, as he seemed like the type to be more at home behind a desk then out in a fight. But as unfortunate a match-up as this seemed to be, Goro wasn't going to abandon or ignore the man before him. He'd co-operate as his master had asked, do what he could, and who knows, the man may have a trick or two that allows them to win this whole thing, not that he particularly cared for the damnable cup himself. [color=Slategray]"I see . . . well, I'm here and willing to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability."[/color] [@Beloss]