[B]MATSUOKA MINORU[/B] "[color=00a651][i]Hayai![/i][/color]/[color=00aeef][i]VELOX![/i][/color]" The doubled utterance leaves my lips before I can ponder any further on what had just occurred before my eyes. I knew that those more experienced with the use of their Ritual Technologies were highly skilled, but to know something was an entire world away from actually seeing it in action. [b]She's fast[/b][color=00aeef]er than even some of Mercury's blessèd![/color]. My eyes barely managed to follow the flash of blinding, golden light as she cleared the distance between her and the other sword-wielder, the motion finishing, to use the American expression, in a mere blink of the eye. Is this the level that my upperclassmen fight on? [color=00aeef]You have to work on those legs of yours, Matsuoka.[/color] The slash that she follows up her burst of speed with is nothing short of perfect. From this angle, it's clear to my amateur kendoka eyes that the strike is a model feint, a false blow that seeks to divert her opponent's attention away from whatever other danger lying in wait. It doesn't, unfortunately, manifest. Instead, I watch as the Japanese samurai girl dashes back, a blur of movement herself, sheathing her own sword the very moment she leaves the edge of the the blonde's range. I furrow my eyebrows. I'm confused. For what purpose would she remove her weapon from play in the middle of a fight? I don't-[color=00aeef]Hold your ears![/color] My hands act immediately in response to Cloacina's warning, palms covering both ears just as the samurai's Divine Gear crackles like a thunderstorm. It's tremendously loud, the weapon swinging an arc of a blue that could be compared to the surface of the Mediterranean in the direction of the white girl. Starlight Flash. A grandiose name for a suitably-impressive attack. But the way it'd been activated ... had it been some evolution of an Iaido technique? I was familiar with them, but the way it had been used here ... it was unlike anything I had seen before. [color=00aeef]See? Learning experience~![/color] You might be right there.