[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmNhZWJiZC5TblZ6ZENCaElHTnZkWEJzWlNCelkzSmhjR1Z6SUdGdVpDQmljblZwYzJWei4wAAAAAAAA/flunkies-bb.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/CiM1AnJWXNeWk/giphy.gif[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/RSabkJZo0GlOw/giphy.gif[/img] [sup][b]Collab between [@Wintergrey], [@Aewin] & [@Universorum][/b][/sup][/center][hr][hr] The entire afternoon was spent talking and eating strawberries (with some melted chocolate to dip in, for Anna). It was nice to spend some time to unwind, de-stress and simply relax. Well, de-stress as much as possible while watching obsessively at the security cameras that littered the guest house - something about Lyss wanting to make sure that Ty didn't touch anything. Her battery had died out by the time it was five, Anna having to borrow Lyssa's charger so she could still be reachable by her parents - or Jackson - if needed. Looking out at the still somewhat bright sky, painted a beautiful mixture of pinks and oranges, Anna reached out beside her to grab her phone from falling from the bed. [color=0076a3][b]"Thank you for letting me use the charger,"[/b][/color] She thanked Lyss before turning on her phone. She rolled over to her stomach on the bed, letting her legs swing as the picture of her and Winston appeared on her screen. Part of her died (of cuteness) right there; she missed her pet, and even though Turk was just as adorable, nothing would beat her dear old Winston in the cuteness competition. At least, in her (very wise - ahem, [i]humble[/i]) opinion anyway. The screen lit up once more, this time signalling a text from Jackson. She peered down, and looked back up at Lyssa while gnawing at her bottom lip. Was it the right time to text and see if he was free? She wondered, [color=0076a3][i]'she's still obsessing over Ty...'[/i][/color] [center][b][color=ed1c24]Penguin[/color] Is this a right time to call you?[/b][/center] She sent the text, before locking her phone and laying back down on her arms. [color=0076a3][b]"Lyss!"[/b][/color] Anna drew out the [i]s[/i] in her name in a childish groan, [color=0076a3][b]"stop worrying over him, he's not going to do anything."[/b][/color] Alyssa looked over her shoulder and waved Anna off as she flipped through the security cameras again, hunting Ty down. [color=708090][b]"The [i]second[/i] I look away, he's going to [i]do something[/i]. I can [i]sense it[/i],"[/b][/color] she said, snapping her fingers to summon Turk. The hound stood up from his corner and lumbered over to Alyssa, placing his head on her thigh and she scratched behind his ears. [color=708090][b]"I don't know [i]what[/i] he'll do, but I"m sure it'll be important to the sanctity of my home."[/b][/color] She put her hand in front of Turk's mouth. [color=708090][b]"Kiss."[/b][/color] She said, and the dog he licked at her hand, then she patted the bed and Turk hopped up beside her. Apologetically, she looked over at Anna. [color=708090][b]"I would have sent someone to fetch Winston, had I known you were staying over,"[/b][/color] she explained, frowning as she popped a nearby strawberry into her mouth. [color=708090][b]"I should have anticipated it, I suppose. I could still send Butler. He isn't busy, at least it's [i]doubtful[/i] he is."[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][b]"It's fine,"[/b][/color] Anna curled up on the bed with her phone hidden in her crossed arms, [color=0076a3][b]"Winnie's probably glad to get a break from me today so there's no need to send Butler off unnecessarily."[/b][/color] She reached out, trying to pat Turk's head gently to pass the time. Jackson was standing in the bathroom of the gym, trying to wash his face off. His shirt lay on the floor next to him, several spots darkening into the fabric. Dipping his face so it was near the stream off water, he gently patted at one of the dark red lines that ran across his forehead. He winced as he touched it, the stinging causing him to flinch back. Straightening up, Jackson looked into the mirror, watching as drops of water ran down his face and over his lean muscled body. Next to him on the bench, a faint buzzing sound could be heard. Quickly reaching over, he whipped his shirt away to grab his phone. A small smile came to his face when he saw who it was. Anna. He was about to answer when he caught sight of himself in the mirror. Wouldn't be good to let her see that. It would be just like her to worry about everything. But then again, she did just want to call. She never had to see his face. [b][center][color=0076a3]To: Panda[/color] Yeah sure you can call me whenever[/center][/b] The ring from her phone brought an excited smile to Anna's face as she fumbled to grab the device to read the message. An idea formed in her mind, before she grinned and pressed the Facetime app just as Turk curled over near her. She turned over so she could have Turk in the view of the camera as the dial-tone filled the room. Jackson set the phone down on the sink. While he was leaning in to clean a certain stinging cut, his phone began to rang. Without looking Jackson reached over and hit the answer button. [color=ed1c24]"Hey, hold on I'm just washing up."[/color] Glancing over at the phone out of the corner of his eye he saw a reflection. Immediately his head whipped over and he saw an image of Anna sitting on his phone staring at him. [color=ed1c24]"Oh fuck."[/color] Jackson dove out of the view of the camera, hoping she didn't see anything. It was unlucky on Anna's part, she'd been too distracted by shuffling in her place and playing with Turk that she hadn't focused on her screen to notice her boyfriend's face in time. By the time she'd noticed the background on her phone, Turk was curled up in her lap as she was sat with her legs crossed. [color=0076a3][b]"Where'd you go?"[/b][/color] She asked, a pout forming on her face as she rubbed the top of Turk's head with her thumb gently. Breathing out a sigh of relief that he hadn't been caught, Jackson glanced back over at the phone. Anna sat that with the most adorable pouting face he had ever seen. In that instant he wished he was there with her. She'd probably kill him, or worry herself to death if he was, but at least he could have kissed those amazing pouting lips. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry, I'm... undressed? Wouldn't want to make an undecent woman out of you now would I?"[/color] It was only a half lie. He wasn't wearing a shirt, though he supposed he could care less if she was decent or not. [i]Undressed?[/i] The word buzzed in her head and it took only a second for her face to react; cheeks burning and mouth growing dry. She avoided looking at the camera, her pout gone as she stammered out a quick [color=0076a3][b]"h-hurry up, Lyssy's here too."[/b][/color] while busying herself with the dog sitting comfortably on her lap. Jackson was stressing looking around for another excuse to not show his face. Reaching out to grab the phone so he could make sure it didn't point at him, he missed. Instead his hand accidentally brushed the edge of the phone knocking it off of its precarious position and right into his lap, facing him. Jackson didn't even have time to move before Anna could see. The sudden commotion was enough to startle Anna out of her embarrassed state to check whether Jackson was safe. The next few seconds felt like a long, tense one. Anna scanned Jackson's face, eyes widened as she took in each bruise and mark on him with stunned silence. After blinking a couple times, the questions came out like an uncontrollable waterfall. [color=0076a3][b]"What!? Jackson, what happened to you-- how did you get hurt?! Are y-you okay now?! Why didn't you tell me--"[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Hurt? What do you mean hurt?"[/color] Jackson turned away from the phone as if to look at himself in the mirror. A fake gasp came out. [color=ed1c24]"My face! Oh no! What shall I do? That was my real money maker, you know."[/color] A hand came up to his forehead in mock faint. Instantly a stinging sensation arose as he brushed against a cut. Cussing Jackson turned back to the phone. Becoming more serious now he said, [color=ed1c24]"I'm fine, just a couple scapes and bruises, doesn't even hurt that bad."[/color] Her mouth curled into a dissatisfied frown as Jackson didn't take her questions seriously at first. She winced as she noticed him cussing after touching his forehead, before she got even more worried. [color=0076a3][b]"Just a couple of [i]scrapes and bruises[/i]? How did this happen?"[/b][/color] She parroted. Jackson's head dipped slightly, and his voice dropped. Shaking his head he quietly said, [color=ed1c24]"It was nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I was just... just fighting."[/color] His forhead scrunched together at the sound of the words that came out. [color=0076a3][b]"It looks like you were mauled by something!"[/b][/color] Mauled... may have taken it too far, but to worry-wart Anna a tiny cut on her loved one could seem like a stab wound. [color=ed1c24]"What? No no no. Forget that. I was just boxing. It's something I... do?" [/color]Jackson got quiet like a child that was about to be reprimanded. [color=ed1c24]"I'm fine..."[/color] [color=0076a3][b]"Jackson, why would you allow yourself to be hurt this bad? Boxing I understand, but to let it go this far? Wait! Are you hurt anywhere else? God this is a right old mess..."[/b][/color] She mumbled the last part under her breath, sighing. [b][color=0076a3]"I'm sorry for overreacting I... I just-"[/color][/b] Just what? Got too worried over a couple of scrapes? That would just make her seem like a bigger drama queen compared to some of the girls at school. Anna looked back at the screen, taking in her boyfriend's state before finally making up her mind. It was for the best, right? She would be able to see for herself if Jackson was okay, and if not, she would be able to help him. Either way, it was for her peace of mind and her heart could only hope that Alyssa wouldn't mind [i]too[/i] much. [color=0076a3][b]"Why don't you come over?"[/b][/color] She asked instead, not expecting her previous questions to be answered as she pushed for this request. [color=0076a3][b]"I need to make sure you're alright, for [i]my[/i] peace of mind."[/b][/color] Though she'd said it shyly, there was no room for him to argue. [hr][hr]