[color=f7941d][h2]Min Seoyun(敏 曙胤)[/h2] [sub]Agile/Clever[/sub][sub]Dawn Descendent[/sub][/color] Age: 17 Gender: female Species: Fox Faunus [h3]APPEARANCE[/h3] [hider=Looks] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sEXsh77.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/QEpxDQYl.jpg[/img] [/hider] Height: 4'9" Weight: 100lbs Clothing Style: Seoyun usually clothes herself quite casually. Although she prefers skirts for her bottoms due to higher freedom of movement, she will also sometimes dress in shorts, but pretty much never in more formal dress. Hair Color: Orange Eye Color: Red [h3]COMBAT[/h3] Weapon: Her weapon, [color=f7941d]Orion[/color], looks, at first glance like a quite curved staff, however once activated, a red energy beam serves as the string of the bow. With this bow, Seoyun is able to fire arrows stored in a quiver on her hip. Integrated into the handle of the bow is a compartment to insert dust crystals. Nevertheless, Orion still has a secondary mode where the bow straightens and a sharp point exits the top end transforming it into a spear used for melee engagements. Semblance: [color=f7941d]Tracker[/color]: When her semblance is activated, Seoyun is able to see and distinguish tracks of different people, animals and grimm. Simple enough, no? Dust: Seoyun uses dust to modify the effect of her arrows, aka giving them elemental powers. Skills: [list] [*]Eagle-eyed and, in combination with this, high accuracy [*]Fast [*]Agile [*]Stealthy [/list] [h3]PERSONALIZED[/h3] Personality: [list] [*]Sly [*]Creative [*]Snide [*]Chilly [*]Fierce [/list] Skills: [list] [*]Loves strategy games, so she is quite adapt at planning strategic and tactical stuff [*]Rather intelligent [*]Target shooting [/list] Background: Born on Koshima, the Fox Island, to the reigning, self-declared royal family, Seoyun, mostly called Seo, grew up quite sheltered, although she still loved the island's few forests and hills and as such she spent quite some time outside strolling through nature. At first Seo was quite annoyed at her place in the line of succession to the island's lands, since she loved the island so much, but her brother managed to convince her to try training for combat and head for the nearby famous Beacon Academy, even though she would be studying together with humans, who she did not have good experiences with in her infrequent visits to Vale. Nevertheless, she was going to become the guardian of the Island, like her aunt. Character Theme: Seoyun was inspired by Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls. She is often depicted with bow and arrow with which she was incredibly skilled at. At one point one of her hunting companions, Actaeon, tried to rape her, but she transformed him into a stag and sent the hounds to kill him. Orion was her most beloved hunting companion until she accidentally killed him with an arrow through his head. Other: Jaune would be bae, if, firstly, I didn't hate that word and secondly, not somebody else had that spot reserved already. :P Voice: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7g1smi1Oho[/youtube]