[center][i][h1]עָדָה[/h1]([color=66CC33]Adah[/color][i], Day 2:[/i] [color=MidnightBlue]Early evening[/color])[/i][/center] "[color=66CC33][b]Fuck![/b][/color]" Adah smashed through the glass doors of the 7/11 she had just snuck into-- she [i]had[/i] successfully snuck in, too! She just didn't know there were people inside. "[color=DarkRed]You little bitch![/color]" The big one shouted. The big one, that was the guy who had caught her. He was at least 6'5", had muscles in places that Adah didn't know you could have muscles in, and sounded completely roided out. There were two more-- tanned skinned greaser looking dudes, Vagos rejects looking motherfuckers-- why they were hanging with a stretched out leprechaun was beyond her. "[color=66CC33]Fuuuuuck...[/color]" Adah groaned. The fucker had nearly broken her ribs with that wrestling shit. They'd had a brief skirmish when he had heard her snooping inside a supply closet. Coughing as he approached, Adah spat out a bit of blood. "[color=66CC33]Fucking Christ, dude...[/color]" she groaned, "[color=66CC33]What kinda shit did your mom do to you growing up...?[/color]" "[color=DarkRed]Shut up![/color]" It got a chuckle out of the Vagos looking assholes-- which was good-- she needed them to like her. She could hardly move right now, the only way she was getting out of this was by convincing them what she wanted and what they wanted were the same thing. Adah managed to roll away from the boot as it swung toward her face. "[color=66CC33]You're already kicking me out?[/color]" Adah breathlessly asked, "[color=66CC33]We haven't even done the fun stuff![/color]" The man moved to kick again, and Adah instinctively held out a hand, "[color=66CC33]For the love of Christ, wait![/color]" To her relief, he didn't just follow through with the kick. He'd gotten a good hit on her eye earlier and she could already feel the swelling begin over her left eye. "[color=66CC33]Look![/color]" She made eye contact with the leader, "[color=66CC33]This is your mark-- I get that[/color]," She glanced from the roided out leader to his strung out companions. They were clearly drug users-- she could use that. "[color=66CC33]I was just trying to get to a stash I kept here--[/color]" "[color=DarkRed]Thought I told you to shut the hell up, bitch![/color]" The man kicked again, and Adah rolled out of the way again-- narrowly this time, she got dust and gravel in her mouth. One of the slick haired men who had been staying back, mostly chuckling at Adah's words stepped up. "[color=DarkOrchid]Declan chill out,[/color]" He placed a hand on the roided out XL leprechaun's chest, "[color=DarkOrchid]I kinda wanna hear what she's got to say.[/color]" The man approached her-- he was oddly handsome, and actually taller then the orange haired man, he was probably related tot he other Vagos-looking Latino, he was more confident in how he moved, his charisma made up for his lanky figure. He was probably the 'leader' here. It felt odd to Adah to view the world through that lens. He squatted down and looked square into her eyes for a moment-- snapping his fingers for the big man what couldn't have been two minutes later. "[color=DarkOrchid]Get her out of the damn dirt, Declan. She's cute.[/color]" "[color=DarkRed]You're thinking with yer dick, Pardo,[/color]" Declan grunted as he lifted Adah to her feet, from under her shoulders. "[color=DarkOrchid]Please.[/color]" Pardo waved the comment away, "[color=DarkOrchid]Maybe if you hadn't roughed her up so bad... even then, she'd be perfect for breaking in Angelo[/color]" He teased the man that Adah assumed was his younger brother, "[color=DarkOrchid]No... I'm more interested in what she has to say.[/color]" Adah tilted her head, smiling at the man "[color=66CC33]I'm sorry, I've taken a few hits... what specifically?[/color]" This immediately rewarded her with a slap across the face. "Right, then," She spat out, blood spilling out of a corner of her mouth, "[color=66CC33]The stash? I'm a... [i]pharmacist[/i]-- look in my bag over there if you need proof. I just wanted to get some grass I had left here.[/color]" "[color=DarkOrchid]Grass, huh?[/color]" Pardo unholstered his glock, cocked it, and pressed the barrel against her temple. He gestured to his brother to check her supplies-- it only took a moment for the younger man to discover the bottles of stimulants, downers, hallucinogens, and other recreational drugs. She almost felt Declan drop her in the dirt at the sight-- all of their eyes seemed to go horribly wide. "[color=66CC33]Feel free to take whatever you want from that, of course,[/color]" Adah began, not missing a beat, "[color=66CC33]I know of a storehouse near here, actually-- it's be safe from the shamblers, and more of [i]everything[/i] than you could ever hope to use.[/color]" The wanderlust began to fade from Pardo's eyes, "[color=DarkOrchid]Where?[/color]" "[color=66CC33]Right across the street, actually![/color]" Adah gestured toward [i]Ramona Self Storage[/i] across the darkened street from the gas station, "[color=66CC33]I just need some supplies for the road, and honestly there's more there than all of us could carry.[/color]" She gave another smile as Pardo holstered his weapon, "[color=66CC33]Let's help each other...[/color]" [right][@RumikoOhara][/right]