[@King Tai] Lianne sighed. "Until it stopped hurting, until I stopped feeling empty inside, until I stopped feeling like I wasn't whole, you are lucky, we both lost a brother, for you it was a younger brother, you didn't see the accident, didn't see when he died, he wasn't someone who you were joined at the hip with, I saw it, I blame myself, we were twins and always joined at the hip, I can't cope without him so that is why I stole your drugs, so I could manage to cope, so I could forget, so I could stay alive when all I wanted to do was die along with him so I could be there with him again, those are stopping me from wanting to die because it helps me forget, I need it, can't you see, I am not sure if I am an addict or not but it helps me and it makes me feel slightly better and makes me feel like I am whole again and it stops the flashbacks, you don't understand Nate, you may be my older brother but you don't understand at all, me and Luke were closer than I was to anyone else and I can't cope with him being dead, the only other people I know who would understand what it is like to be a twin is Ella and Connor but they don't know what it is like to see your twin die, I have seen that and you just don't understand Nate" She told him. "Just look at me Nate, I am not the same girl that I used to be, I am pretty much dead, can't you see that, you haven't even noticed what has been happening over the last few weeks" Lianne gestured to herself. She looked really thin, her eyes had bags under them and her smile which always used to be there has gone. The sparkle has left her eyes and all you could see now was a shell of her former self. Her hair was lank and unwashed. "Can't you see what this has done to me, can't you see that I am hardly surviving, these are keeping me alive and I need them, just look at me, look at me and see what the accident has done to me, now remember what I used to look like, do you see the difference and what has changed since the accident" She rambled on. She looked pretty much ill now.