[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GAIdoU3.jpg?1[/img] [b]Yasuo Ojima x Sakamori Kuzunao-[@banjoanjo][/b][/center] [indent]Anguish held him close. It was a one-sided obsession, the suffocating, stalker kind of embrace that made its home in his heart. The [i]pain[/i] was a reminder of his evils… his wrongs. They were his; he knew. Yasuo found the pristine sky and accidentally let go of his guilt. It flowed out and disappeared; in thought of his ignorance, of his lack of control, he found only a gentle smirk on his face. It was all so trivial in the grand scheme of things but he couldn’t bring himself to forget. His hand reached out towards the negative emotions he let out and with stretched fingers he looked to grasp them, to return them to him. It was when he imagined them at his fingertips that he heard a kind, womanly voice. A thoughtful second went by before he pulled his arm back, somberly losing his guilt, and sat up to face her. To face, Kuzunao-sensei. “Kuzunao-sensei,” he uttered as he reached for words that could keep him from… exposing himself. Yasuo felt the wind brush against his back, ushering him to calm. He stood up to his feet, dusted off his pant’s legs and chest, a smile danced on the edge of his lips. He had trouble keeping his eyes fixed to her, they darted to the ground or side instead. One reason was his anxiety, the other was that she was above-averagely beautiful. Uniquely so. Kuzunao-sensei was that rare kind of teacher; she was loved by her students and peers. The occasional rumor of her being a horrible drunk would slip through her impregnable reputation but it never lasted long. Now he had to make up an excuse for his nonsensical gestures towards the sky. Looking at her earlier, he had decided then that he'd use misdirection to avoid his truth. “I botched my test didn’t I? D-Do you plan on finally getting my father involved? I don't think he'll accept me failing school too. He'd probably slap me across the head... or disown me.”[/indent]