[color=f6989d]"I'll certainly try."[/color] Said Mary, in reply to her friend Souta. He too, was gearing up for the imminent destruction of their adversary. He summoned up some sort of miniature cannon from his clothes. He placed his hands under it as if he was ready to fire. Mary, too, got into position. Mary growled again as Sevrin spoke to her. Though she didn't really understand his "dolly" comment, she assumed it was a jab at her pale complexion, or her petite features. Honestly it wouldn't have bothered her that much coming from anyone else. It was more about the fact that he was still standing there, smugly, smiling as if he had the upper hand in a five against one fight. As he placed down his book, she took a step forward, teeth gritted behind her neutral expression. But then she stopped. Apparently, Sevrin, the real one, was still there. Asleep, trapped inside his own body as it was being controlled by a vile demon. Her face softened. He must've been in pure hell, probably still is. They couldn't risk destroying Sevrin's body. Not currently, when he wasn't even near a seal. She stepped back a tad, ignoring Sevrin's comment and trying to think of what to do. They had to exorcise him. Her mind raced with ideas of what to do. She didn't have the materials to attempt a demonic banishment ritual, nor the time to grab them. Akoni asked some innocuous questions, presumably to stall for time. Maybe he had the ability to remove the demon? It was a long shot, but not entirely impossible. She got a tad closer to Akoni, and asked him, in a hushed tone, [color=f6989d]"We shouldn't risk your friends life. Do you have any exorcising spells?"[/color] After this she quickly repositioned herself to his right and his front. Here she was closer to Sevrin, but farther from the main group. The Yamato swiped in large swaths. If they were grouped up, it would spell their doom.