[@Raijinslayer] [center][color=gold][h1] Jack the Ripper [/h1][/color][/center] The young looking Assassin class servant had indeed been resting, sitting against a wall on the opposite side of the room as the bed Charles had so chosen to pass out asleep on the previous night. The little girl had slept like this many a time in life, the dirty, cold brick walls of a building on occasion being more comfortable than simply lying her head on the even colder streets. Yet this was no brick wall, and below her was not the cold stones of a cobblestone street. So it was safe to say even this sort of sleeping situation was rather comfortable in her opinion. Besides, her daddy had needed the bed, it seemed, since he was so tired and all, so she was thus content to sleep wherever she could in the room otherwise. Her eyes immediately popped open when her daddy's phone went off, the young servant standing up in response and rubbing her eyes with her arm to help wake up. Not like it would take her long, anyways. As a servant, she didn't need sleep, but even so she could partake in it as a sort of "luxury" perhaps. It was odd that she could even sleep at all, but she really didn't care all the same. Then again, perhaps it was good for her master that she had the option to sleep, instead of her wandering about awake and possibly at some point "bored" all night long... Upon hearing they had received an invitation to something, Jack perked up a bit, childlike curiosity filling her expression for a moment as she pondered what sort of event they had been invited to. Maybe the other masters had been invited too! That in itself could be a rather exciting prospect, especially if she got to make one of the other masters there go "bye-bye" too! But her daddy had not really said much, except that he wanted to check things out before they went there. Jack didn't mind that at all, really. Her daddy seemed like a smart mage, and had been soo nice to her already, so she had no problem at this point with going along with his decisions! But remembering how nice her daddy had been to her last night reminded her of something as well... [color=gold]"Ok, Daddy," the little servant said, her master's words from last night coming back to mind along with what she had seen last night as well, "Oh! We also looked into all of the rooms in the building last night. We didn't find any masters or servants, though we did see a couple of people doing something strange on a bed. Anyways, we only looked around, and didn't engage anyone at all! Did we do a good job, Daddy? Do we get our present?"[/color] She had not at all forgotten about the promise of a present if she did a "good job" with her task. She had tried her best to follow her daddy's orders, after all. Of course she knew there would be a task at hand with exploring where this invitation had invited them to go, but she also wanted her answer on this matter as well. You see, she had never really gotten presents in life. It was so exciting, then, to think that she could be able to get one now. She was only a kid, after all, even if she was a heroic spirit. [hr] [@ADamnFiddle] [center][color=magenta][h1] Elyse [/h1][/color][/center] The homunculus was awoken suddenly by the loud ringing of her own cell phone, which was placed on a small bedside table located right next to her large bed. It had been plugged in to charge overnight, but was left on as a result. So it was no surprise, then, that she was able to get a text this early in the morning. Then again, it was not very early at all, since according to her bedside clock it was noon. She had been forced to be up much earlier than this for years, but the inherent softness and comfort of this bed had been enough to make this morning one of those rare moments she had been lulled into a deep sleep. It was odd to her, in a way, but also welcome to boot since she had to be well-rested in order to do well in this Grail War. Grabbing the phone as it continued to ring with a rather stereotype and basic ringtone, Elyse pulled herself up in order to sit up in her luxurious, and admittedly incredibly comfy, bed, her white, slightly opaque nightgown hanging over her frame as she sat in an upright position, with the covers of the bed still covering her legs a little bit. Rubbing her eyes for a moment, the homunculus rubbed the last vestiges of sleep away before looking at the phone and the contents of the text. It seemed that she, and the other masters at there, were being invited to a luncheon at 2:00 pm at the Plaza San Fransisco, which was not too far from here. [color=magenta]"Lancer," Elyse called out into the room, hoping her servant would be there in the room to hear her as she let the hand holding her phone fall into her lap, "It seems we've been invited to some kind of luncheon with the other masters in a couple of hours."[/color] The luncheon sounded nice and formal to some extent, and perhaps some interesting local or international food could be found there. But this was perhaps the opinion of the more optimistic part of her. She had come into this knowing she was walking into a war, and the fact that an Assassin and their master could very well try to take advantage of this situation was not something lost on her. In fact, other servants and masters could try to pull stunts there, tracking enemies, crippling them, or trying to kill them outright otherwise. It was a risky thing, but if enough of the other masters went there she could at least scope out possible opponents for her and her servant. That could be invaluable for their future in the war, and her servant, from what she had seen of his capabilities last night via her Master's Clairvoyance, was very much a top-tier sort of servant. However, their initial meeting last night had been slightly flustering (in a surprising way) on her part. She had not expected her servant to call her "cute" like that right out of the blue, and it had brought a small blush to her face. Her servant was a bit of a handsome fellow at that as well, someone who would make men want to hide their wives if nothing else. This aside, however, she would do her best so that she and her servant would win this war. There was no choice but to. Having a heroic spirit by her side, she had to give this conflict her all. Perhaps her servant had an opinion on the matter of this luncheon, though, which was a part of the reason she had spoken about the invitation to the luncheon aloud. After all, while she was the master and had to play her part, and was used to formal situations such as a luncheon, it would not hurt to get her servant's opinion in some manner on an event like this. This was a war, after all, and the experience of a heroic spirit could prove handy and possibly valuable in some of the decision making during this conflict as a result.