[hr][i][h1][color=Yellowgreen]Fiona Ashley Barrett[/color].[/h1][/i][hr][hider=Breton - Hours Away][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP3-wiYYH6E[/youtube][/hider][hr] "Fiona..." Wearing a grey, tattered, cloak Fiona turned around and saw the full gaze of the woman that would be her mother.... Well, her [i]bug[/i] mother. She was Tracer Barrett, a bestial Metahuman just like Fiona that was covered in an exoskeleton. Every fiber of her being was coated in hairs that were either black, or yellow. She resembled a Honey-bee in appearance. Behind her was a large abdomen that had a fierce looking stinger at the very end, and transparent wings of a honeybee that were kept vertical. Tracer was also much larger than Fiona (Which was a feat since Fiona was already quite tall herself). Tracer walked up to Fiona, and put her hands on both of Fiona's cheeks. "Yes, Mom?" Fiona said with an insectoid voice. "I... know to be careful out there. I'm going to be there and back." "No... I'm sure you understand the risks... I just wanted to say how proud of you I am right now," Tracer spoke with all the all the sincerity that a mother could muster. "Going out there to search for someone, despite all the risks, is so noble of you...." "With my abilities... I'm going to be the best option for searching for him." Fiona nodded her head. That person she was searching for was Harmon Rottlage. He went missing during the last week, and Fiona has elected to search for him alone. With her heightened smell, hearing, and vision, it'll be hard to Fiona to miss. "Good... stay safe out there, and remember to choose who you're talking to carefully," Tracer said to Fiona. "Many people will try to hurt you for what you are... but, not [i]everyone[/i] is out there to get you." Fiona considered those words carefully, and then nodded her head. "Okay, mother." Fiona answered. "Thank you." With those passing words, Fiona turned around, and stepped out the Microcosm.... [hr] [i][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast.[/u][/i] With a hop, Fiona made it out the sack in which the Microcosm was stored it. Archie's ability was quite amazing, it has the potential for limitless creativity... Something that Fiona herself wished that she had. However, she didn't have time to bother worrying about what power she wished she had, nor lament about being cursed with this inhuman form. She had to find Harmon... the first step was tracking his last location. Going off the text message he sent Archie, he was in Oakdell Harbor. Which was where she currently was. A sigh escaped her lips as Fiona quickly adjusted her cloak so it covered her head. Before she stepped out of the alleyway, and into the street. She should be sticking to the shadows... but apart of her wanted to see the world outside the Microcosm. It was exciting.... ... When she stepped out of the alleyway, several other people stepped in. Having the insignia of the Pure tattooed on their shoulders.