Name : Vladimir Mamilov Age: 18 Element: Fire Appearance: [hider=Vlad][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] Personality: [hider=Personality and traits] - Confident, Highly competitive, Sometimes arrogant and even brash. - Is drawn toward stronger people than him, to improve and eventually overcome them. - Thinks lightly of people he deem weak. - Considers non elemental people and weak elementalists as waste of air and doesn't pay them much attention. - Has a great amount of respect of anyone he deems strong or worthy of a challenge. - Has a explosive temper and is quick to get mad or irritated. - Will do anything to become stronger and thus is quick to learn anything that seems useful. - Is really passionate about anything he does, and will try to get good at it immediately which after some time greatly irritates him due to it not being that easy. - Secretly likes to dance and sing - Considers air elementalists as airheads. - Likes spicy food and dislikes winter and the cold. - Likes to turn anything into a contest.[/hider] History: [hider=Story] Being born into a rich Russian family of elementalists as the youngest in the south-west of the immense country, Vlad has been met with high expectations since his elemental powers started to manifest. Being a gentle kid at the tender age of 5 and the only fire elemental user, his personality changed drastically once he gradually learned to use his fire powers. His dad, being a fire user himself took great interest in him and often pitted him against his much older siblings and children of other families, which he surprisingly managed to win one by one. The ones he lost, he would keep challenging them until he won. Growing more and more arrogant and powerhungry the older he got, he eventually reached a point where there was nothing else his old man could teach him which left Vlad very unsatisfied. Fortunately, a tip from one of his fathers friend informed them about a particular school specialized in training elementalists and Vlad was promptly sent there to further hone his skills.[/hider] Equipment: /