Sitting in his regular little hole, Zagsnik was currently spinning a squig over a small fire with his makeshift grilling stand when someone in the room above suddenly began shouting and making a fuss. A single glittering gubbin was seen falling from the grate in the roof and landing in the middle of the room. -"Wonder wut eez up ta now?" The runty yoof said to himself while standing up and looking at the little grate above which was this places only lightsource from outside. [color=f7941d]“Ey! Da weirdboy Mugrub iz calling you over in da dead kaptin’s cabin.”[/color] [color=1a7b30]“Good job ya arrived when ya did, I dropped a rivet down in da vents. Go geddit fer me.”[/color] Zagsnik didn't really tune in on the rest, a meeting ey? That's interesting. He was returned to the moment when the ork above began moving after a big laugh, making the grot begin moving the grate, it sighed and muttered something before bringing a chain which it started climb down on. The scrawny pale little blighter took great care in its descent, but finally reached the ground where it silently began to rummage through the rubble on the floor. Without a sound two red eyes was seen glowing behind him, they came closer and closer, just as the grot thought he noticed something Zagsnik grabbed his mouth and turned him around. -"Yo knowz, dere's far worse fingz down 'ere den squigz?" He said grinning to the panicking grot. Then he presented the glittering rivet to the grot before releasing his grip. -"Thenkz for da info, runt." Zagsnik spoke, then disappeared into the darkness. The grot held the rivet with both his shaking hands. He was alive! He walked up to the chain after pocketing the rivet. Around him in the dark, one... two.. five... many pairs of gleaming orange eyes with glistening teeth began grinning towards the scrawny grot. Now when the only one above them in the food chain was gone, it was free range. Far too late the grot realized, Zagsnik was amused when he heard the pathetic scream and the barkings of dozens of squigs behind him. He was going to attend that meeting, sure he wasn't stompy enough to be boss.... yet, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't be there to see who is the next boss.... perhaps even 'influence' the decision a bit. Zagsnik grinned when he thought of that. Almost soundless he moved through the vents, unused corridors and shafts. He knew these parts well and made good headway to the kaptins cabin. Spooking a few squigs on the way and nicking a snack from a sleeping ork. He heard voices below in the cabin, he silently opened a grate and risked looking directly at the gathering. Some big brawny nobs and meks. An obvious painboy as well. He didn't really know their names, he was more of an outsider, but he knew that the old kaptin had died recently, he didn't expect some fancy meeting though. He recognized the one who lived above him though, and Mugrob. Getting a better look, he took off the sight from his shoota and looked through it. He risked whispering. -"Dis gonna be interestin'." And grinned, then he started chewing on a piece of dried squig meat.