[@Whimsley][@Eklispe] [color=bc8dbf]"Intercept!"[/color] commanded Havoc. Rook glanced at Poliwag, then to the back of Budew, giving Budew a headbutt to push Budew out of the way and take his place in the path of the Poliwag. thought Havoc as he glanced away from Rook momentarily as he made the sacrificial move to assist Budew. Even though he knew this was the obvious and most strategic move, he wasn't putting himself on the line but ordering Rook to do so. He wasn't used to being a trainer and a part of him felt like his last command might even be a form of abuse of power. It didn't sit too well with him to have his houndour make such great commitment on his behalf in such a short span of time. [hr] Location: S.S.Expedition Current Team: [img]http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/houndour.gif[/img] Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5 Inventory: Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)