Jessie gave Nemo a confused look. [color=ed1c24]"Contract? Summoning doesn't require a...."[/color] Jessie then looked as if she remembered something. She picked her summoning tome back up and opened it to a page filled to the brim with notes. She paged to a certain section, shortly after the end of the beginners tabs and began to read aloud. [color=ed1c24]"A partner summon takes from the framework of pet summons and expands upon it. To create a partner summon, a summoner must first delve their research into that of mythical demonology. Within this branch of research, a summoner may choose aspects of creatures within various sources of lore and mythology. Once the summoner has a clear view of their desired partner in their head, they must illustrate their summon within circular form using the symbols and runes learned during the instruction of pet summoning. Once the summon is pictured and the circle created, a summoner must begin pouring their mana into the circle as they maintain view of their summon within their mind. The crafting of a summon takes a large pool of mana and it may require a day or two for the summoner to recover afterwards. Once enough mana is poured into the circle, if it was done properly, the mana will begin to take physical shape. Once the summon has stabilized, the mana may be reabsorbed into the summoner as a 'dismissal' of the summon. The summon will maintain it's essence, memories, and personality while within the summoner, but will not witness the events the summoner witnesses while the summon is dismissed. However, due to this inner storage, a bond is created between summoner and summon that permits them light communication even while a summon is withdrawn. This manner of summoning is unique and differs from other schools of summoning that require calling existing beings from another plane of existence and forging a contract with them."[/color] Jessie closed her book and looked back to Nemo. [color=ed1c24]"You didn't fight a summoner from my clan, you fought a summoner that uses a different school of summoning from mine! Oh I would love to meet a summoner who uses a familiar rather than a mana construct, they must have a huge compendium of creatures that I could research and work elements of into my own summons! Its so quickly glossed over in lessons that I almost forgot about it completely.[/color]