[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Boku_no_Hero_Academia_Logo.png[/img][/center] [center][b][i]"All men...are NOT created equal."[/i] Beginning with the birth of a luminescent baby in China, more and more "Quirks," or superpowers, began to appear among humanity. Today's society is composed of superhumans, with 80% of the world's population possessing some form of supernatural ability. The paranormal has become the normal. In the wake of chaos brought about by those who would misuse their powers for evil, a new profession arose--while the justice system struggled to adapt the laws around the presence of quirks, those with courageous hearts rose up, and leaped into action! Soon, all the world recognized them, and gave them the only suitable name...HEROES![/b][/center] [hr] This RP is an AU version of the anime/manga series Boku no Hero Academia, or My Hero Academy, where players take the role of students in a different city's hero school--not UA, but a different setting, so as to separate from the canon entirely and merely use the world and mechanics to give familiarity. However, it's all pretty easy to understand, so if you don't know anything about the series that's perfectly fine! You are allowed up to TWO characters per player, one of whom is a Student Hero and the other a Villain. Pro Heroes will only be played by me, or at the least used as NPCs, and Student Heroes will have a few limitations. Villains won't have quite as many, but of course, they're villains who are destined to get their faces punched in so it's not that great a trade. I'd prefer there be as little overlap as possible between character powers. In addition, I'd also like to say that I'd prefer no "mind/emotion control" powers unless it can be justified to me very well, and the same to powers like intangibility, space/time control, and any form of omni-something/reality warping. [hr] [b]The current powers being used in the RP are:[/b] Use of controlled adrenaline surge to obtain superhuman strength Manipulation of oxygen density, used with a spark from equipment to make explosions Creation of barriers Generate propulsive bursts to enhance attacks or run at high speed Combination Quirk that generates healing light with one hand and burning darkness with the other Legs with lead bones generating heavy force for kicks and enhanced bodily strength Telekinesis Ability to take on properties of stone across the whole body Plant Manipulation Ability to sprout wings and claws Ability to store and retrieve objects from pocket dimension Ability to teleport self and objects within weight/distance limits Ability to transform one arm into sand which can be manipulated, other arm into granite which cannot move Ability to adjust perception of time within distance limits Bubble Gum creation/manipulation Superspeed within limits of durability [hr] [b]The current class distribution is:[/b][list] [*]Freshmen[list] [*]Tatsumi [*]Nina [*]Matsuri [*]Daisuke [*]Luca [/list] [*]Sophomores[list] [*]Sou [*]Yasu [*]Ayah [*]Kosoku [/list] [*]Juniors[list] [*]Tonaka [*]Mine [*]Kaoru(?) [/list] [*]Seniors[list] [*]Namari [*]Dirk [*]Dallas [*]Kazu [/list] [/list] [hr] [hider=CHARACTER SHEET] [code][b][NAME][/b] [indent]Real name must be included, superhero name or nickname optional, unless you are playing a Villain. If so, do not include the real name and instead use only the super name until such time as the villain is identified.[/indent] [b][GENDER][/b] [indent]Professor Oak: Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?[/indent] [b][AGE][/b] [indent]Between the ages of 14 - 19 for students, any reasonable age for villains.[/indent] [b][APPEARANCE][/b] [indent]Text or picture is fine.[/indent] [b][PERSONALITY][/b] [indent]Give at least a few sentences about what makes your character tick. Try to include some positive traits, some negative traits, and a descriptor of how they interact with others.[/indent] [b][BACKSTORY][/b] [indent]Tell as much as you'd like about your character, as long as you include at least one element of their past life, a description of their present life, and at least one goal for the future.[/indent] [b][QUIRK][/b] [indent][b]Power Name[/b] - Description. I recommend something relatively simple, yet versatile, or else something very specialized if you want to go for a more powerful ability.[/indent] [b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b] [indent][b]Skill/Technique Name[/b] - Description. Skills and techniques are the various ways in which you can use your power within its limitations and scope, as well as carry-overs from regular training or hobbies. Try not to go overboard with these, as no one is a pro hero yet.[/indent] [b][LIMITS][/b] [indent][b]Limit Name[/b] - Description. Feel free to have more than one limit, but keep in mind that they MUST be adhered to. The more limitations there are on your power, and the more severe those limitations, the more effective/powerful/efficient your ability can be in return. Examples include things like speedsters requiring a startup time, overuse of power causing an injury, or loss of fine tuned control, and other such things.[/indent][/code] [/hider] [b]Please post characters here in the OC for approval before moving them to the Characters Tab. I'll try to get mine up as soon as possible if anyone needs an example.[/b]