[h1][center][color=brown]Vuduin Alimore[/color][/center][/h1] Vuduin let out a cry of excitement as the water vanised due to the combined efforts of Budew and the Hounder, leaving the Magikarp flopping menacingly, but helplessly, on the ground. However his excitement was shortlived as a new problem quickly arose, Budew was being attacked on both sides, by the Machop and the Poliwag! A moment of thought and Vuduin quickly arrived at a solution. He opened his mouth to speak but his teammates had already jumped into action. Arren had done what he would've wanted her to but the tattoo guy had the entirely wrong idea. Budew could take the Poliwag easily, of that Vuduin was confident, the Machop was the danger! Plus heroes didn't need saving! [b]"Budew! Take out that Poliwag with Absorb before it gets to Houndour!"[/b] Budew had been startled and a little angry at getting pushed out of the way and turned to his new task with zeal, eager to prove that it hadn't needed the Houndour's help in the first place. Now that Budew had been moved out of the Machop's way and Poochyena was intercepting it, Budew was free to unleash a insanely powered absorb on that Poliwag. If it came down to it and Budew couldn't get a read on the Poliwag fast enough, Budew would take in out in the same instant that it struck the Houndour. His only concern now was that Poochyena wasn't strong enough to fight the Machop, but there was nothing he could do about that now. [hr] [center] [u]Location[/u] Gleampie [color=brown]~Current Team~[/color] [hider=Budew][img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/01/Spr_5b_406.png[/img] POKEMON: BUDEW Type:[color=green]GREEN[/color]/[color=purple]POISON[/color] NATURE: SASSY FAVORITE FLAVOR: BITTER DISLIKED FLAVOR: SWEET ABILITY: POISON POINT (CONTACT MOVES FROM OPPONENTS HAVE A CHANCE TO POISON) [u]MOVES[/u] Absorb Growth STATUS: IN BATTLE [/hider] [u]Bag[/u] Palm Pokédex Potion x1 Palm Ball x1 500 P (Pokédollars) [/center]