[h3][color=00a651][b][center]Malkus[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=00a651][b]Location:[/b][/color] Gorlf Northern Territory [color=00a651][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Relaxing by the fire[/center] Malkus nodded his head. She was going to allow him in, but warned that she'd kill him if he tried anything funny. [color=00a651]"I don't want any trouble."[/color] Though he was going to be on guard, he decided that he'll refrain from trying to steal from them. His survival had a higher priority than loot. Malkus went inside after the woman moved. He saw a few logs near a hearth and old remains of things that were probably here. He kinda hoped that there would have been some boxes or barrels he could have hid behind, but he was just glad that there was a roaring fire. In hindsight, Malkaus should have just went to a corner and sat in it. But the prospect of being warm and dry overtook his usual paranoia about being back stabbed or mobbed. So he headed straight towards the heart, extending his hands out to warm them by the flames. Unlike the embers back at the cave, he could actually feel the heat. If there were some sticks around here he may have even stripped down to the nude to warm his clothes, but because there weren't any sticks and the woman was here, he chose not to do that. He did take off his cloak and Sona's poncho however, allowing them to dry out in his lap. Doing so revealed his leather armor and assortment of weapons hidden underneath. A bandolier of knives, with his kukri sitting on his waist. His shortbow was left unstrung in his quiver, and near that was a coiled bundle rope which was actually his whip. His sap hung loosely on one of the straps on his belt. He had forgotten his staff somewhere in the forest, but all he'd need to do to get a new one is find a sturdy branch and spend a hour or so whittling it down. He also had his potions in various pockets on his bandolier, inside protective pouches so they don't shatter from a stray hit or a bad landing. He took his backpack off and set it to the side, allowing it's weight off his shoulders. He looked through it for something to eat, but when he found the metal tin that was suppose to have some rations, it only had bugs and mold. His water skin was equally empty. [color=00a651]"Shouldn't be surprised. Not like they'd just magically fill up just cause I remembered I had them..."[/color] As he was fiddling with his belongings he heard the woman, Kyra, mention her name and ask why he was out here. [color=00a651]"Good question. If I knew about the war I wouldn't be here. But I didn't and it was too late to go back. So I'm just going to keep going and hope I find a city. What are you doing out here?"[/color] Malkus dumped the content of his tin into the fire, letting the bugs burn up in the flames. Maybe once he was warmed up he could look for that barn owl or it's nest. He didn't know much about wild eggs, but he figured it'd be better than nothing.