StormCrow & Derringer / Angels Rest / Floor 4 / Level: 25 & 24 Stormcrow raised his hands and backed up a little at the mans sudden reaction before recomposing himself and going to speak. [color=gold]"Apologies for my.... abruptness. You do not look like a lot of people around here... you certainly have a... rather striking visage. I mean the way you dress and the animal you have are a bit of a giveaway. I was actually wondering if you might have pertained much information about this level yet. Or if you might be interested in looking for people to explore with sometime. See I represent a rather small guild... although of course I am not trying to push you to join at all. It is simply you look like the sort of man who knows how to handle himself, It would be good if you might be able to come along with my group sometime. Help me get them into shape somewhat."[/color] After his barrage of words Derringer simply shakes her head and puts things more bluntly. [color=deeppink]"Look what he's basically saying is you look tough and cool and stuff and we've been looking to meet new folks and teaming with you might be all interesting like. If ya also interested in makin' new friends."[/color]