[quote=@Zeroth] [@Dead Cruiser]Given his current limitations, and the description of the Quirk in general, I think this is a bit too powerful to start with. I can understand the logic behind using the umbrella psychokinesis to obtain the same effects as more specialized forms of psychic manipulation, but for the purposes of the RP I feel like pyrokinesis, fulgurkinesis, psychokinesis, and so forth should all be considered separate abilities. While I think the idea of cybernetic implants and other specialized items focused around his power would be cool, the PSI-X suit currently sounds too powerful given that in addition to his telekinesis it also gives speed thrusters and increases his power to "force of a cannonball" levels as well as granting a 5000 F flamethrower power and lightning bolts. To keep the power level as it is, you would need to add more limitations to the usage of the power and its affects on either himself or his surroundings. Otherwise, I think this should be toned down a little. [/quote] I threw in a new limitation, let me know what you think.