[@Zeroth] Alright, I think she's done! Do tell if there are problems at all. I'm willing to change anything that needs changing, and explain things that need more explaining. [hider=Mine Onoda] [b][NAME][/b] [indent]Miné Onoda[/indent] [b][GENDER][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][AGE][/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b][APPEARANCE][/b] [hider=Mine][indent][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2ec5d868bb6eb986a68f3f87a103ed61/tumblr_o5hw3x6L781ru3vawo1_1280.jpg[/img] Short cut black hair and dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. She has a fairly muscular and athletic build, and stands roughly at five foot seven and weighing in at a hundred and forty five pounds consisting of lean muscle. Working out and taking care of her body is just part of her daily routine. Because of this, she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky attitude and mouth that curses worse than a sailor doesn't help either, and she doesn't care one bit. Usually, she wears a simple tank top with rough looking jeans and boots. Fashion isn't her thing. She'd prefer something easy to move in and light over fashion any day. Most people would consider her fairly attractive, if it wasn't for the constant evil glare she gives people. [/indent][/hider] [b][PERSONALITY][/b] [indent]Don't let the pretty face fool you. Mine is violent and has a bit of an anger problem. No joke, this kid has almost zero redeeming qualities. She likes causing problems, and just being a general nuisance, fighting, picking on nerds, being a general bully if the opportunity presents itself...you name something bad about a stereotypical high school punk, she fits the bill. Unfortunately, the one stereotype that she doesn't fit, is that all bullies are cowards. You mess with her in some way, you're gonna need a new face and maybe a new arm and kneecaps. Doesn't help she's easily annoyed by the smallest things. You make fun of her, slight her in any way, or you do something she finds even mildly annoying, you will know. That said, she does have some redeeming qualities down there, buried under anger issues, snark, and general fuckery. And that, would simply be her loyalty if she gives her your word on something. If she agrees to do something, then you can count on her to more or less keep to it. She'll still complain, but she'll do whatever it is she agreed too. If she ever tentatively calls someone a 'friend' you can expect her to have your back, no matter what. Plus, she does, indeed, want to be a hero, even if she doesn't act like one...but well, she's not real keen on that whole 'perfect image' super thing people like. In all honesty, she just wants people to leave her the fuck alone and let her do her own thing and don't annoy her. [/indent] [b][BACKSTORY][/b] [indent]Honestly speaking? Mine is a rich, spoiled kid that's always had a chip on her shoulder. The daughter of a rich business man, shes had a fairly easy and comfortable life growing up. She hasn't had to really work a day in her life, and has more or less always gotten everything she's wanted. It might turn some into a arrogant, aloof, jackass...well, it sort of turned her into an arrogant, violent, jackass. Ever since she was small, she's always been getting into trouble. Her parents were rightly worried that she might end up on the bad side of the law, and have tried multiple times to find a way to channel her energy towards something else. Working out, martial arts, music (she plays a mean guitar), all to no avail unfortunately. Thankfully, she's never ran with a gang or gotten into trouble with the law to a major extent - just fights at school, some breaking and entering charges, and one vandalism charge. At their wits end with what to do with her, she was sent to the Heroes Academy with her parents mostly paying a huge sum of money to get her in since her grades in anything other than physical education were...less than stellar. She doesn't particularly enjoy being there, and her attitude has worsened a bit since being sent there. However, even if she doesn't want to openly admit it, she does hope to be able to refine her abilities to the point where she'd be a good hero. In the far future, though, she really just wants a nice quiet place to settle down and ignore everyone, since she [i]really[/i] doesn't like people. [/indent] [b][QUIRK][/b] [indent][b]Aegis Barrier[/b] - To put in simplest terms, Mine is a psychic of sorts. She can generate, maintain, and use force-fields in almost any fashion someone can imagine. That means, she can use them for more than just defensive purposes despite that probably being the most common application and perception of how they're used. Meaning, they can theoretically be used for both Defensive and Offensive purposes if she gets creative. For example, she could able to crush someone inside of a small force-field prison, or smack someone with one from a distance. Of course, she doesn't have much skill in controlling her abilities at the moment. The fields themselves are visible, to an extent. They have dark blue edges where the field ends that will extend inwards depending on the size of the field. The rest is transparent, and if touched would feel like a smooth, glass surface. Her abilities are a bit of a far cry from her personality, being more designed to protect rather than attack like the bully she is most of the time. [/indent] [b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b] [indent][b]Impassible Rampart[/b] - She forms a long, one-yard thick rectangular force field extending as far as she can, creating a wall between two objects in an attempt to protect one. She focuses all of her concentration and strength on this barrier, creating quite an obstacle for someone who can't avoid it - such as someone going too fast, or if she's simply looking to harass someone (Which, if that's the case the field would likely be made somewhat weaker.}[/indent] [indent][b]Barrier Bullet[/b] - She creates a small, baseball sized projectile using her force field, and launches it at a target. While not the most damaging attack, it has the speed of an average pitches fast ball, and its gonna hurt if you get smacked with one.[/indent] [indent][b]Sphere Shield[/b] - She creates a spherical shield extending various lengths from around her, strength varying depending on the situation. Air, gasses, and other things are unable to move through the shield. [/indent] [indent][b]Limited martial training[/b] - At the behest of her parents, she learned some actual martial training. While she's not world-class martial artist, she could probably reasonably defend herself against someone who has no idea what they're doing.[/indent] [b][LIMITS][/b] [indent][b]Shield Break[/b] - Any time a field is forcibly shattered, she will suffer mental backlash from it depending just how severe and violently it was shattered. Best case scenario, just a mild bit of dizziness. In a worst case scenario, this could cause [i]severe[/i] brain trauma to the point of a severe brain hemorrhage.[/indent] [indent][b]Limited Range[/b] - At the moment, her maximum range for the force fields is about two yards away from a full arms-length away from her in any direction. So four yards at max, if she's in the center of a field. She could theoretically likely extend this range with more training and focus,[/indent] [indent][b]Not impenetrable[/b] - While they are strong, they're far from impenetrable. Thickness of the field and her own mental and physical exhaustion determine just how much the fields are able to withstand.[/indent] [indent][b]Weight Limit[/b] - The barriers of course, have a weight limit. It's similar to what she'd be able to physically lift, augmented somewhat by her mental exhaustion.[/indent] [indent][b]Limited number of fields[/b] - At the moment, the number of shields she can control at the same time, are up to [i]three[/i] separate ones, depending on size, strength, etc.[/indent] [/hider]