[center][B][U]Kazuhiro, Ketsuro[/B] - [I]Kumo no Kokushibyƍ[/I][/U] [I][U]Kumogakure - Somewhere in the mountains[/U][/I][/center] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/993/8937cd7668ab3dd288ad1fa53e986ed1dc5fdc75.png?999276[/img][/center] Ketsuro was leaning against a tall rock watching Ren and Megumi spar. Flame versus water. They had made a crater into the mountain much like a pool and filled it with water. This was one of many secret locations hidden among the mountains that Ketsuro and his cohorts used. Ren's water dragon was going in for the kill, but Megumi quickly countered with her fire breath technique. The steam created would make it difficult for either to see. Ketsuro continued to sit by and watch, a slight smile touching his lips. Megumi was an accident. His first experience with his kekkei genkai, but she had turned out marvelously. They would have to start working on her second element soon in the next few weeks or so. Ketsuro heard the clash of weapons as the two began fighting up close inside the steam. He wondered how hot it was in there. His smile soon turned to a smirk as the two exited the steam on either side slightly red from the heat. He was definitely glad he wasn't in there either way. He looked over at Ren in thought. Ren had been purposefully taken. It had definitely been a wise decision too. The boy had marvelous talent when he found him, and now Ketsuro had improved him to a whole new level. His water techniques were still expanding, and he might not even get to figuring out his second nature, if the kid had one at all. At least not any time soon. Ren and Megumi were about to go head to head again as the steam dissipated, but lowered their weapons as Ketsuro stopped leaning on the rock and turned around. How the Raikage's aides always found them when they went to train away from the village where no one would find them was always going to be a mystery. He looked at the aide with his cold eyes. "What is it that she needs?" No one else would dare bother trying to get him away from what he was doing...Except for that Eiji guy. Once the aide mentioned he was requested at the edge of the village Ketsuro was gone instantly. Ren and Megumi right behind him. The Chuunin exams huh? He wondered if there would be any promising genin at this event. If so if he could get the Raikage to okay it, he could have another body. It was unlikely that any of the genin would be any good though. When he arrived it looked like she had been waiting for a little bit, but not too long. That was a good thing. He hated when she was in a irritated state. That meant he would have to deal with more annoyances, but that was not the case today. He turned his head to Megumi and nodded to her. Megumi being him more or less understood and walked back into the village, while Ren and Ketsuro walked on either side of the Raikage as they departed for the Land of Ash. --- [center][B][U]Koizumi, Ayano[/B][/U] [I][U]Kumogakure Training Grounds[/U][/I][/center] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1027/sample_cafde7eefa09159b64d50b67faf55749a774cd99.jpg?1062611[/img][/center] Ayano hated to admit it but Eiji had a point. Her eyes caught every single little detail. Trying to keep up with everything was beginning to hurt her eyes. She couldn't let it deter her though, this had only just begun. She was jumping from pillar to pillar with her speed, but Eiji just seemed to be toying with her forcing back to where she started. There was no direct path to him of course, but she couldn't even make progress. She didn't want to have to use any jutsu, especially not for this. She then noticed Iyana out of the corner of her eye and started making her way towards her, though Eiji made sure not to make it easy for her. Hopefully the two would finally meet. She didn't have too much chemistry with her team as of right now. She was the newest member only transferred a short time ago due to her own squads annihilation on the last mission they had. She felt a little unwanted, especially concerning Iyana. The girl didn't seem to like anyone, but of course she was the one that Ayano actually wanted to get to know. From what she'd seen and heard about Iyana she found her almost inspirational, and hoped that she could learn a thing or two from her, and become good friends if Iyana would allow it. In the end though they would have to pass this stupid little [i]game[/i] as their sensei liked to call it.