The Doctor apologized for his situation and Nora looked over at the woman seated on one of the cots. She smiled and shook her head as she took a seat beside. "Nothing to apologize for. This storm isn't your fault. Unless you have the alien ability to control the weather or something." She laughed soft at her own joke for a moment before continuing. "Seriously though. It's fine. If I wasn't here I'd just be on a train by myself right now." When she asked about the hot chocolate Nora smiled again. "Yeah. It was great. Best there is, like you said. Maybe we'll need another one after this storm is over." Nora took another look around the shelter, taking in the number of cots and supplies that were stacked in boxes along the walls. Looked like a very well prepared shelter. The people of this city probably had a lot of experience. It was then that she met the gaze of a young boy sitting on a cot near them. He was gazing at her, and the Doctor, and she stared back for a moment in surprise. Then she smiled kindly. "Hello," she said in a friendly tone. It was the same sort of friendliness she spoke with when she gave museum tours to school children. Sometimes it was real, sometimes it was faked, depending on her mood. But to this boy her smile and tone were genuine. "What's your name, love?"