[hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James![/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Courthouse Clocktower [b]Interacting With:[/b] Doc Froggy, Ash [/center][hr][hr] The sovereign entity known (in this lifetime) as Black James maintained his vigilant post in the premier sniping position of the City of Newnan. A number of men in American history climbed a clocktower with a high powered rifle, intent on liquefying internal organs with high velocity, friction heated, chemically propelled lead projectiles. It might be said, however, that this was the first time a black man in overalls and a cowboy hat did this very act in the middle of a zombie apocalypse for the purposes of routing a skirmish of attacking cult members and the living dead; some of those dead delivered via air mail. It was a day for firsts. It was also the first time he gave over a blood sample for typing in a sniper's nest, too. When the good Doctor made his appearance, James was just a little shocked at first. He had grown accustomed to the presence of Vivian. Even the slightly uneasy feeling he'd get from her presence, a thing which he tried to avoid most of the time, left a hole with its absence. He was going to miss the crazy lady. Crazy, but dangerously intelligent. Luckily, she was on Newnan's side. At least he thought. Either way, it was a moot point; the town was poorer for her absence, and James would miss her. [color=firebrick]"Hey hey, Doc. Take good care of my girl, nnkay? I brought her in here. Kinda feel 'sponsible for her now."[/color] The doctor darted off, engrossed in his work. He jumped into his labors, doing what only he was capable of doing in this place now. It was good to know one's role in society. Even if that society is a walled off section of a city's Historic Downtown district after the entire world went to hell. Well, just as Newnan's new medical professional had a job to do, so did Black James. Damned important one, too. The vigilant marksman took up his rifle and scanned the perimeter of his home from his vantage point. James's search near the Agricultural sections gave him considerable pause. He raised his face from the scope, rubbed his eye, and adjusted the focus. He looked again. Yup! Still there. The experienced man was simply not sure if this was a good or a bad thing, though. He cautiously reached for the walkie, eyes never leaving the scene laid out before him. [color=firebrick]"Ash. Ash we got us a situation. We gots us a, uh, a cow, sir. Half dead inna hotdamn [i]tree[/i]. Crowd of slow movers 'neath her, outside of the inner wall. She ain't long for the world, bossman."[/color] [hr][center][h1][color=steelblue]Ashton Holloway[/color][/h1] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/bcfab66a674d39bfaaddc28bd62d4470/tumblr_inline_ne41kcr5UN1s5par2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] [b]Interacting With:[/b] James, Zoie, Newnanites [/center][hr][hr] [color=steelblue]"A cow?"[/color] began Ash in a matter-of-factly tone. He really didn't need this shit right now. On the other hand, these setbacks just might provide a little motivation. [color=steelblue]"Uh huh. Heard on Cow. Save your bullets, keep an eye out."[/color] Captain Holloway surveyed his little slice of Georgia, occasionally barking orders to the People of Newnan on the way. Most of his commands were the pragmatic type, cold and somewhat distant. Things like [color=steelblue]"Organize patrols. I want teams walking the walls."[/color] and [color=steelblue]"You, you, you, and you. I want you all on rooftops. Get rifles from Tom. Spread out."[/color] and [color=steelblue]"Start getting details together, round up these bodies. Keep ours separate."[/color] [color=steelblue]"Alright, Cousin Zō. I have an ulterior motive, asking you along with. If you decide to stick around, I want the people here to see us speaking. Eases the transition. Also, when and if we receive another attack, more people need to know your face."[/color] Ash brought the walk around to his personal means of conveyance, the Hordebuster. It was sitting out in the weather, unmoving, as if quietly waiting for something to occur. Possibly that thing was the return of its caretaker. Owner might have been too strong of a word, as the beloved machine had the closest thing to personality as any man made construct Ash had ever witnessed. Caretaker sounded slightly more accurate. Confident that the security of the Inner Wall was being handled, the good Captain sought to take care of his machine, the vehicle without which he and several others would have died long ago. [color=steelblue]"This is the Hordebuster. She belonged to my family, while back. I rebuilt and repurposed her after the shit hit the fan and my people got sieged in for a couple months. Used to live in this truck. You were with Mr. Grady when you arrived in Ol' Girl, here. He, um... he took it out on a scouting and supply run. Now it's not functioning. I'd rather utilize this machine to round up the dead guys in the outer perimeter, than to risk more lives clearing it manually. Got to get her running."[/color] The stalwart engineer gave his truck a good once-over, trying to see if an obvious answer revealed itself to him. That being barred, more inspection might be required. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Bridgette Vinters[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d5/b4/78/d5b478ac0063ce48f5bab3cb5648b0a1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Smokey Road, Southwest of Newnan [b]Interacting With:[/b] Astrid, Bryn, Other Ladies On The Wagon [/center][hr][hr] Obviously, Bridgette had found a particularly open and charming young lady with which to make their life-or-death jaunt to the place that might or might not be there anymore. Great. Still, she would have probably hated herself if she didn't say anything at all to her. While she honestly couldn't begrudge the girl for being tight lipped, Bridgette had the distinct impression that she was being treated as an inconvenience. One tall, foamy glass of Fuckit later, she realized that there were bigger issues at play than receiving a courtly introduction. Namely, all the dead people coming up behind them. Now that they had the stragglers all together and moving in the same direction, it was time to put a bit more distance between them and the horde. When the answer to her question about the spiky ballbat came out as a monotone grunt, Bridgette narrowed her eyes briefly, shrugged, and responded, [color=orangered]"Fair 'nuff, Batgirl. We're over there."[/color] Bridgette tucked away her shotgun and slung her shield across her back, now confident that the new girl wasn't going to immediately murder her. She took up her reins and urged Cadence forward, returning to Astrid and their wagon. She looked over the other girls that had joined them. [color=orangered]"Any of you bit?"[/color] she blurted out, but without waiting for a response, began speaking to Astrid. [color=orangered]"I saw the smoke. We get past it, maybe we can make some noise getting out of here. This is..."[/color] she motioned to the lady with the spiky bat, [color=orangered]"She didn't say. We can braid each other's hair and make friendship bracelets later. Let's go."[/color]