Hey there, My (screen) name is Aemira. Let's see... I am a seventeen year old American girl who lives in a fly-over state. Not much to say, really! I read a lot; my favorite book right now is Mary Doria Russell's [i]The Sparrow[/i]. I also enjoy anything by Thomas Harris. Currently, I'm in a nonfiction kick. I roleplayed quite a lot in the past with a few close friends but have fallen out of practice in the last year or so. Friends slowly went offline, life got busy, and all that jazz. We had our own personal little forum but it has since then been taken down, so I unfortunately no longer have any writing examples. That being said, I think I'm just below the "advanced" benchmark, if I were to honestly evaluate myself. In the past, I was utter crap at coming up with plots or themes. However, if I do flatter myself, I write up mean characters. I can't really claim to have any OCs, as they've all been gender/sexuality/species/time period bent at one point or another. I love creating/remolding characters for a partner's roleplay plot. My friends used to joke around that I'm a "submissive" roleplayer, because I don't get those creative juices flowing until someone throws an idea at me and sort of just go with whatever flow is created by my partner. I used to roleplay a lot of male characters (usually of the bad boy variety) because my friends always wanted to write themselves into silly romance plots with demon princes and whatnot. That beings said, I roleplay characters of all backgrounds, genders, and sexualities. There's basically only two things I won't roleplay: furries (sorry, I don't know why), or anything fandom related. I feel sort of...icky when I did fandom roleplays in the past, I have it too far in my head that I'm screwing up a character that isn't mine. That being said, I am okay with roleplays that pull from elements of previously established worlds/settings/ideas. I guess using the same characters that someone else created is what freaks me out. Okay, I lied. There's actually four things, but these are more because I'm not particularly good at roleplaying feral animals, or at roleplays that are purely/mostly based off of battles and fights. I'm willing to try, but I can't promise too much! I hope one of you brave souls is willing to give me a chance! I tend to be on at nights, mostly. Not usually this late, but around 10:00 or 11:00, especially during the school year. Alright, I think I've rambled enough. 1:30 AM is not the recommended time of morning to introduce yourself to people. Here's to hoping I was coherent, Aemira