[quote=@Emma] [hider=WIP][img]http://i.imgur.com/Py2xbQD.png[/img] [color=8882be][b]Name:[/b][/color] Anais Jacqueline Knoll "AJ" [b][color=8882be]Age:[/color][/b] 20 [b][color=8882be]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=8882be]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=8882be]Mutation:[/color][/b] Omnilingualism and invisibility. [b][color=8882be]Personality:[/color][/b] AJ is stubborn, strong willed, and intelligent. She is a cynical badass, and doesn't put up with shit. She does not warm to strangers easily, and appears afraid of nothing. She controls her emotions within herself, and in some ways she is [i]slightly[/i] detached from her emotions. AJ appears even tempered, controlled, and emotionally distant, until she [i]lets you [/i]truly get to know her. So don’t expect many expressions of joy and happiness even though she feels it! She is a secret bleeding heart, and takes the suffering of innocents personally. If one pays special attention they can see that side of her throughout many of her actions. AJ is very smart, and is particularly tuned into numbers. She loves books, and movies, a way to escape into her mind to a fantasy world. She is the protector of people she loves, extremely loyal, and always has their back. She is organized and has an excellent attention span. Over the years since her powers manifested she has become more sly, blunt, and uncompromising. [b][color=8882be]Bio:[/color][/b] [b][color=8882be]Other:[/color][/b] She is a vegitarian. $3 Pineapples[/hider] [/quote] D: you're missing a bio [quote=@SirSqueakalot91] Name: Justin Hunter Age: 22 Gender: M Sexual Orientation: Stright Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36700000/The-Shield-WWE-image-the-shield-wwe-36754438-680-1548.png, but he also has a few tattoos. Mutation: Teleportation/Portal Creation (but he is still working on that) Personality: Smartass/Cocky/Unstable/Loyal Bio: Justin was born in Arkansas, where mutant were looked down on. Jericho left his home at the age of sixteen, tired of how his home town treated his family because of him. He joined up with a mutant "Fight Club" where he was paid to fight. Because of his hardcore fighting style, he was called "Wild Hunt" and was a high ranking fighter. Once he was found by the "X-Men" he didn't want to join at first, but after some time passed, he went and found them, asking if they still wanted him. Other: Justin is trained in Boxing, Freestyle Wrestling, and is slightly trained in different weapon uses. Because of this, he has no problem using his fist, or anything he can use as a weapon. Justin doesn't like people, so the few people he calls freinds, he is very loyal too. Justin likes to draw in his free time, watch wrestling, and is a huge fan of the Heavy Metal band, "Fozzy". [/quote] I think you're missing something in "Other"