[b]Name:[/b] Oliver Wilson [b]Alias:[/b] Reaper [b]Speech Color:[/b] N/A [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Villain [b]Identity:[/b] Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Oliver Wilson is a soldier. He is a warrior, through and through. He has fought to survive his entire life. He has fought to protect those he cares the most about. But when those people were taken away from him, when his entire life was shattered in a single, brutal instance, Oliver Wilson changed. He became something...different. Something terrifying. It has been said that Oliver Wilson died the day his brother did; all that is left is a shell. A walking corpse, who's only purpose in undeath is to continue to fight. He is called the Reaper, for he brings death on those he believes to be responsible for his brother's murder and his own imprisonment. The Reaper sees the world in black and white: you are either with him, or against him. You are either an ally...or a target. There is no in-between. No room for gray. Despite his overwhelming drive for vengeance, Oliver does not enjoy this 'life.' Deep down, he hates everything he has come to stand for. But he knows that there is no going back to the way things used to be. No home to go back to. No family to take him in after the campaign is finished. All that awaits him at the end of the line is the sweet embrace of that endless abyss. The sweet kiss of death. Wilson prays it comes for him every day. He'd end it himself, if it weren't for his mission. So for now, he merely waits for himself to slip up so that his enemies can end his torment. Until that day...The Reaper comes to harvest. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=uniform][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/09d0/i/2010/233/e/5/old_man_punisher_by_dibarizombi.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Not much is known about the life of the Reaper before he began his crusade. Oliver Wilson is a descendant of Irish immigrants. He spent his early life running around the Bronx with various gangs, getting into trouble with the law. At the age of sixteen, he faked his enlistment form and joined the United States Marine Corps. Training was grueling and difficult but Oliver's body had been hardened by years growing up on the streets. He was molded into the perfect killing machine. He was disciplined, capable of following any order without question. He was immensely skilled, able to place three shots in an area the size of a playing card at a range of 400 yards in less than a second. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Normal [b]Power Level:[/b] Street Level [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent] Strength Level: Peak Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Mastered [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Extreme [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Oliver Wilson is a normal human. Additionally, he's getting on in years. What he may have been able to do back when he was in the peak of his conditioning is only a dream now that Reaper is an old man. He's slower, weaker and lacks the endurance of a young man. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b]