Vikki sat on the ground around the back of the mall, her back against the wall with a pair of earbuds in her ears as she [url=]listened to the music[/url] on her tablet. It was old by most peoples standards, probably three of four years now if she was remembering things right, but she'd gotten it as a christmas present and she'd never gotten into the hype of getting the latest model of things. If it worked, she was happy, which was probably why the earbuds she was wearing were from a discontinued line. They were one of the few kinds of earbuds she could stand, so she went out of her way to find as many pairs as she could online, buying them whenever she had a spare ten or fifteen bucks. At that particular moment, Vikki was daydreaming. Not of any one thing in particular, she was mostly just letting the music carry her wherever her imagination wanted to go. She knew she should probably make her way to her car soon, she'd need to start heading home and the drive took her a little longer when she was this far into the city. She knew her parents wouldn't be too worried as long as she called though. She was actually contemplating calling them and heading to her car when the ship crashed, the blast of hot air hitting her in the face as the ground shook beneath her. "Jesus [i]fuck![/i]" she started, her hand flying to her waist. It was purely a startled reaction, going for the handgun her parents let her carry when she was out on the property, but it wasn't there and Vikki found herself wishing not for the first time that she was old enough to own one herself, or at least apply for her concealed carry permit. What was there however, was her knife. The one with the elk horn handle and the three-inch blade. Composing herself slightly, she paused the music player and dropped the tablet and earbuds into her backpack, standing cautiously to see what had caused such a commotion. She'd made it maybe ten feet when the cloaking field dropped, causing her to stop again about thirty feet from the crash site. It was a craft of some sort but Vikki couldn't tell what kind. Her mind was desperately trying to rationalize the situation without immediately jumping to the word "spaceship". It was a sleek craft, whatever it was, with an arching "tail" towards the rear that had an almost scorpion-like feel to it. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed others starting to crowd around the crash site. Suddenly, the reality hit her; It was a [i]crash[/i] site. There could be people injured inside! "Shit!" she exclaimed, "Are there people in there? What are we supposed to do?" she asked the others who were gathering, but before the last words had left her mouth, she noticed the suhddering doorway struggling to open, light flooding outwards. [@Ceta de Cloyes][@Letter Bee]