Name: Ephraim Tatsuya Nishizumi Age: 28 Callsign: Hunter Nationality: Singapore Specialty: Electronic Warfare/Intelligence and Sabotage Operations History: Born to Japanese immigrants, Ephraim grew up in the small but prosperous city-state with all the education and security he could ask for. Displaying an aptitude for electronic engineering and computer science from a young age, his parents being founders of a tech company didn't hurt as he breezed through school and graduated university at age 18, when he was enlisted in the Singapore Armed Forces. The small city-state relies on a citizens' army to provide for its defense, coupling that with modern technology to deter external threats and assist in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations in the region. Ephraim's technical ability saw him right at home in the Military Intelligence branch as a recce scout, using drones and electronic warfare to secure intel or sabotage enemy operations. Near the end of his 2 years of compulsory service, however, his parents were killed in a bio-terror attack when a disgruntled and radicalized employee released a weaponized pathogen in the research lab. While his commanders gave him leave to see to his parent's affairs, he disappeared for 36 hours after the funeral. During that time, the man responsible for the attack vanished as well from under the noses of law enforcement who were getting close to arresting the culprit. While rumors spread that Ephraim was the one who had "disappeared" the man responsible, there was no trace that indicated foul play was involved. Shortly after, the young man signed on as a regular in the SAF, determined to prevent the tragedy from happening to anyone ever again, before eventually being recruited by Jormungand. His training as a recce trooper and later work collating intelligence as an officer already made for an impressive record, but Ephraim truly shined when he was given all the new equipment Jormungand had to offer. He led Alpha Team, codenamed "Hawkeye", meant to assist local forces in intelligence gathering, sabotage and HVT procurement operations. Personality: There are two sides to Ephraim - the serious, cool-headed and calm soldier when in uniform, and curious, sarcastic scientist when out of it. A devout Christian from birth, he seems to have no problems reconciling what he does as an operative and his faith. When asked, his answers are often evasive or brushed aside with dark humor, but one need only observe him in his private moments to see the conflict brewing in his eyes. While he has a no-nonsense approach to his work, he understands the need for levity. He's pretty laissez-faire about how his team gets their duties seen to as long as they're done to satisfaction. His first priority is the survival of his team before the mission and will not tolerate any behavior that puts them in danger, whether from others or themselves. Ephraim is cagey about his past, especially when it comes to what really happened after his parents' funeral. He shares funny moments and childhood stories easily enough, but easily diverts the conversation when it comes to a topic he doesn't want to talk about. One thing is clear, however, and it's that whatever lies behind his silence drives him. He's a fierce ally on or off the battlefield, and just a intimidating an enemy. Preferred choice of weaponry: [img][/img] ST Kinetics SSMG-21 - A .45 submachine gun developed in his homeland, the SSMG-21 is a low-recoil, accurate and versatile weapon meant for use in practically any environment. It's main selling point is that the platform is easily modifiable to fit the user's needs and can even be switched to an assault rifle variant if need be. [img][/img] Advanced Recon & Engagement System (ARES) - A drone roughly the half the size of an adult male, ARES is a Jormungand developed drone built to operate in any environment in any role. Ephraim treats his as if it were a pet, nicknaming it "Blackwing". Where his SSMG-21 lacks in firepower, it's more than compensated for with ARES. It can carry anything from an assault rifle up to a 40mm grenade launcher with six rounds. It comes equipped with different sensors for mid to long range recon as well.