[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/da/93/41da931d0ded8572e394d782bef3b9d2.jpg[/img] Name: Emily Gerhman Age: 26 Callsign: Long Nine Nationality: England Specialty: Scout-Sniper History: Born in London as the child of English ambassadors, Emily was groomed for a life of service to her nation from a young age. Her parents were veterans of the tense diplomacy of the Cold War, and both of them still served as liasons and diplomats to various Eastern European nations. Emily spent her early life in compounds all across the ex - Soviet Union, receiving the best care and education she possibly could have. She was intelligent, but couldn't muster an enormous amount of energy towards academics, and though her parents dreamed of her taking up a life of statecraft as they had, she wasn't so certain. The decision was made up for her, tragically, by her mother's death when she was sixteen years old. It was never clear who'd done it, some violent anti-west group who never finished fighting the Cold War most likely. The sniper who shot her mother through the head on the side of the street had committed suicide before he could be apprehended. Tensions were rising and ambassadors were recalled all across Europe, and Emily enlisted in the military without really knowing why - perhaps it was for revenge, or some desire to be useful in this increasingly chaotic world. Showing talent that surprised everyone (herself most of all), she ascended through the ranks quickly, being sent to an S.A.S training program and showing enormous proficiency as a marksman and solo recon soldier, able to hide, survive, and eliminate targets while isolated from her squadron. For four years she fought dutifully in every hellhole she was sent to, following her orders to the letter with efficiency, ingenuity, and no particular enthusiasm. Finally, her squad was sent to Georgia, by now a failed state being torn apart by various local militias, one of which had taken up residence in the recently abandoned British embassy - one of those that Emily had grown up in. They were tasked with infiltrating the compound, securing any important British intelligence, and eliminating all hostiles. The mission was a botch from the start. Someone had tipped the militia off about the Brit's arrival and the squad walked straight into a trap and was immediately shot to pieces. The sole survivor was Emily, who had gone off on her own to survey the compound and set up her rifle to cover the squad's advance. She fired on the men who had ambushed her squad, attempting to pin them so that the others could escape, but to no avail - she was forced to abort mission and evacuated the country, leaving the bodies of her squad where they lay. With her unit destroyed, she was transferred to some new multinational peacekeeping organization - Jormungandr. Ostensibly she was sent because she was the best of the best, but part of Emily couldn't help but wonder if someone in the S.A.S stood to gain by removing the sole survivor of the doomed operation. Personality: Dispassionate. That's probably the best word to describe Emily Gehrman, both on and off the battlefield. She gives the distinct appearance of being unable to work up the energy to care too much about... anything, really. She's prone to sarcasm, cynical observations and sardonic wit, though she's not really mean-spirited, and she'll just as quickly chuckle alongside someone as she will at their expense. She's almost chronically bored, even in combat situations, and is prone to occasionally strange behavior (excessive 'trick shots', 'pranking' foes, leaving sarcastic graffiti for them to see) for little reason other than the fact that it amused her. Emily is almost disturbingly comfortable with violence, to a degree that's alarmed several psych workers assigned to monitor her. She sees little horror in the deaths of her enemies and feels no guilt whatsoever in the taking of lives, though she's still capable of mourning the loss of her friends. Emily's not a completely emotionless sociopath by any means - she's capable of making friends and caring about them, though it doesn't happen quickly, especially not after the deaths of her squad of many years. Preferred choice of weaponry: [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/105/1600x514_18254_Rifle_2d_sci_fi_rifle_game_art_sniper_rifle_military_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] MR 187 - A 50. caliber light semiauto sniper rifle developed in Italy, popular for its practicality and its well-made nature. Though its attachments are limited to a silencer, a scope, and a set of three barrels for range adjustment, it's renowned among scout snipers for its reliability - in the famous words of some astute soldier whose name has been lost to time, "Drop it in the mud, doesn't jam. Drag it through sand, doesn't jam. Mr. 187 is there for me more than my fuckin' wife." [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/33/97/cf33978e6c363b8599fe08b7f7f47196.jpg[/img] OS 22, 'Oh Shit' - The standard issue backup weapon for the Modern S.A.S sniper, the 'Oh Shit' pistol (so named because of its use in stressful combat situations) is a 10mm pistol designed for rapid fire in close quarters with minimal recoil, to be used exclusively in combat situations where 'Mr. 187''s bulk makes the use of the more powerful rifle impractical.