"Well...maybe for a little bit. I wanted to try and have a drink first anyway." Sanguine replied, blushing a little bit. She had fantasised about meeting Oliver in real life and having a drink on the couch while watching a movie together. And maybe more after that. The TV might not be present, but there was live music and the room was quite a bit nicer than hers and probably his as well. "Has my lady gained an interest in alcohol now that we're in a different world?" The barkeep spoke. She hadn't even noticed him yet, though it wasn't surprising that they had someone to work the bar as well. "...Yes, I suppose I have." She replied nonchalantly. Luckily the man didn't find it weird that a vampire would want alcohol. Sanguine then moved to the couch, sitting down beside Oliver, still blushing a little. "I don't think there's much you can help with. I would like to test if my undead will follow others' commands as well, but that's about it. Though maybe you can help with putting all that information on paper as well. Maybe you noticed some things I didn't." The vampiress was still just as new to this as Oliver was. So she was still unsure of many things. She just didn't want to show it. Having Oliver there as well helped a lot though. Just like in the game, she felt like the two of them together could take anything on. Even if the challenges in this world were a little different. And even if that challenge was something as seemingly simple as doing what they had always done in the game, but now in an alternate version of real life. "Right now though, let's first enjoy our drinks." Sanguine spoke as the bartender came to them with the two drinks. Sanguine took one, but paused as she moved the glass to her lips. The smell was that of wine, but it smelled pretty awful. On the contrary, the glass of beer Oliver had been handed smelled like normal beer. "This smells terrible..." She muttered, at which the bartender panicked immediately. "I beg your forgiveness my lady. I-I didn't realise that vampires didn't like wine. Please forgive me." Sanguine sighed, quickly handing the glass back to the man. "You are forgiven...just bring me a glass of what Oliver has." The man bowed, quickly taking the glass and rushing back to the bar to make her a new drink. "Well...I guess wine's out of the question. Beer seems fine though." She spoke with a smile, glad that at least some kind of alcohol was still possible. Even if blood tasted like heaven to her, having only that to drink for the rest of her life sounded like it would become boring relatively quickly.