[hr][hr][center][h1][color=goldenrod]Valona “Norsa” Norsys[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][color=goldenrod][b]Location:[/b][/color] Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory [color=goldenrod][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Kyra [@Lady Amalthea] and Malkus [@Lucius Cypher][hr] Valona had remained in her owl state, watching from the rafters above and peered down at their newest arrival. So he was half-orc, that was surprising. Valona had not encountered many half-orcs in her time travelling but she had come across a few but had barely interacted with them beyond webbing them up for trying to steal her stuff. She didn't trust anyone at the best of times but her bad interactions with orcs and half-orcs had caused her to be even more wary than she would be normally. When she saw the newest arrival to the storehouse come in on Kyra's allowance, she hopped from foot to foot and watched from high above. As he moved over to the fire without a second thought, Valona continued to watch. If her owl eyes could narrow, they would have. Then an idea, an entertaining idea, struck and she had to see it through. Flying down to the edge of the hearth on the opposite side of the fire in front of Malkus, Valona hopped a little as the owl and stared at him through the flames for a moment before breaking the spell and becoming herself once again. She was crouched on the hearth in the exact spot that the owl version of herself had been and she was staring at Malkus like a demented, rat tailed hair that stuck out every which way and was half wet and half dry after her time in the heat of the storehouse. Her eyes were wide and crazy looking and she tilted her head to the left slowly as she watched him, the flames making her face look bright and insane. Her cloak was over her pack and made her look hunched and deformed. She said nothing but instead began muttering to herself like she generally did. [color=goldenrod]"...half-orc...stinks like dog...food...smells...don't like the look..."[/color][hr]