[hr][i][h1][color=skyblue]Wendy Lucker[/color], [color=lightseagreen]Rowan Campbell[/color], [color=8FBC8F]Geoffrey Muir[/color], & [color=92278f]Ellen Nile[/color].[/h1][sub]Written in collaboration with [@FernStone], [@Mr Allen J], & [@Nosuchthing].[/sub][/i][hr] [U][I]Academy 61, Roseview.[/I][/u] It'd been a while since Rowan had been able to grab some more art materials. Ever since his last stencil piece, he'd kept his head down, recalling just how close he'd felt to getting snatched. [I]Nobody would figure the ladder was his fault[/I], he thought, though somehow he wondered just how much longer he could get away with 'borrowing' paint, cardboard and other supplies. Luckily, it was quiet for now, though every step felt like it brought him under someone's eyes. [I]At least the old man wasn't there to watch for him anymore.[/i] Or [i]Miss Zhao[/i], for that matter. As he rounded yet another corner, he wound up treading on something. [hr] It had been a long day for Geoff. At least, it felt like it had been. He'd had to spend far more time that he wanted to in the library. Admittedly, it wasn't like it was doing something as boring as homework (like he did that). He'd just gotten a bit distracted by one book on science, and then another, and hadn't really stopped. His skin began to feel quite itchy as he walked out of the library and into the corridors. He was definitely due for a full submersion in some kind of water. Huffing slightly, he continued walking. Most people he passed had to move around him; it was kind of difficult not taking up much space when he had a tail that was longer than he was tall. But hey, it came in handy sometimes. Scratching his arms slightly, Geoff stopped walking for just a moment. Shit. He was pretty sure he'd taken a wrong turn somewhere... Of course he had gotten lost. Great, and it wasn't like he knew the Academy well since he hadn't been there long. Ah well he might as well just retrace his steps.. And then he felt a foot planted on his tail, before whoever it belonged to jolted back and recoiled in surprise. "Hey, watch were you're walking!" Geoff snapped, turning around to glare at whoever it was. What the fuck? It was hardly like it was unoticeable. And damn did it hurt when someone stood on it. "Oy, I know it looks weird, but it's hardly the most freaky thing around here." He rolled his eyes at the fact that the person, another guy it seemed, had recoiled back. "Huh?" Rowan blinked for a moment at his serpentine victim. "Uh, what," he muttered, before turning to head back down towards the corridor. Geoff raised an eyebrow as the person who had stepped on him walked away, flicking his tail out so that it caught Rowan's leg and tripped him over (at least that was what he was going for). "Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking where that was." "Watch where you're swinging that-," Rowan grunted, only to be cut off as he stumbled over it yet again, this time narrowly avoiding cracking his head on the wall. Smirking, Geoff tilted his head slightly. "Oh, I can't always control it," he shrugged. "It's almost like it hones in on assholes." "Belongs to one," Rowan retorted, barely concealing his clenched palm. "And it'll get stepped on if it don't stop." It was, for all intents and purposes, an empty threat - he didn't want a visit from Agent Keegan, but something rubbed him the wrong way about this guy. Geoff laughed slightly, not particularly bothered by the insult. Though he didn't particularly like being threatened (of course he'd asked for it, but that was not the point). "I'd like to see you try. You're welcome to... Others have before. Didn't end well." He stepped forward so he was closer to Rowan, and also blocking him from going in the direction he'd been walking in before. It was a clearly confrontational action without actually starting a fight. Agitated, Rowan took a step forward to shove him aside, "Hven't you got some lakes or some shit to haunt? Leave me alone." Geoff frowned, glaring somewhat at Rowan. "Fuck off, mate, I don't haunt anything." He shoved back against him, near enough knocking the scrawnier kid on his ass, along with his bag - which hit the ground with a heavy rattle. After doing this Geoff took a step towards Rowan so that he was standing over him, but did nothing else. That is, until that scrawny kid jabbed out a foot at the taller one's leg as he scrabbled to his feet. Not expecting this, Geoff almost got knocked over himself, but caught himself with his tail and went to kick Rowan on an instinctive response when.... ... Interrupting their quarrel was a flash of electricity that flew over Geoff's shoulder, and hit the wall behind them. Which was enough to surprise them. And it came from a confused Wendy Lucker, who had her hand put up in a "stop" gesture. Electricity was sparking off her finger tips as her eyes were wide in a surprise. Surprise that she suddenly shot a bolt of lightning at them, when she was merely going to shout at them to stop. Well, at least this way she got their attention better. This was odd for Wendy, since she usually stays out of this kind of stuff - but she recognized one of them, and knew that he was in Ms. Zhao's class. She wiped that look off her face, and put her hands to her side as she voice, "You two need to stop," Wendy said. "Teachers are probably on their way now." Geoff automatically jump to the side as electricity shot past his shoulder, hissing slightly. "Huh?" He turned to looked at Wendy in confusion. "What does it matter to you?" "Because, I'm...." Wendy said, taking a step back. "I'm a student of this Academy, too, you know. I can't just stand by as two students beat each others faces in." Ellen had only seen the aftermath of the fight, or at least the event that'd had the effect of breaking it up. She was wide eyed, though at least considerably less wide eyed than last week. The electricity had made her eyes burn, apparently she could see into the electromagnetic spectrum as well now. It was nice to know. So Wendy didn't just do paper. Could she replicate powers? She was on the other side of the boys, her way blocked by the impromptu scuffle. Questioning Wendy would have to wait, she couldn't exactly shout it between the two fighters. Not that they were fighting anymore. "I'd do what she says, she'd beat the shit out of both of you..." "Oh really?" Geoff looked at Wendy with a raised eyebrow, appraising her. He doubted that she could beat the shit out of the scrawnier boy, nevermind him. Electrocute them? Yes. That wasn't particularly appealing. Meanwhile, with the others already arguing with each other Rowan had just about pulled himself to his feet. The rattling of his bag's contents caught their earshot as he pulled it back on over his shoulder. "Just back off, alright? I didn't start this shit." When Ellen walked up, Wendy was a bit surprised - worst of all was that Ellen said that Wendy would kick their ass. That caught her off guard. "What?! No-" She immediately said, before she cut herself off. She might as well roll with it. The bookworm caught herself, and then said, "Yeah, yeah, what she said." Arcs of electricity suddenly began to appear on her fingertips, and she willed it to go away. "Damn it," She hissed under her breath. Geoff put up his hands in a kind of surrendering motion. "Look, I'll piss off, just don't shoot me with that electricity." That earned a look from Rowan who, despite her help, didn't know what to make of her intervention or what her stake in this was. She looked familiar, but he wasn't sure from where. Quickly adjusting her glasses, Wendy looked down Geoff. He was pretty willing to back off when faced against someone like Wendy... even though she was the least intimidating person here. Until she accidentally whipped out the lightning. Actually, she was glad that she did that in the first place now (Even though she was close to hitting one of them!). "Then get a move on already." She ordered Geoff, speaking in the best authorative voice she could. Geoff rolled his eyes in response to Wendy. "Yeah, yeah, I'll get going." He probably wouldn't have normally backed down so easily but he [i]really[/i] need to dunk himself in some water. With a shrug of his shoulders he turned on his heel, managing to narrowly avoid hitting everyone with his tail and stalked off. Now, her attention was on the blonde haired boy that was funnily around her height. She was interested in him because he was in her class, along with the fact that he got into a fight. "So, uh, hi?" Wendy hesitantly said, "What was that about?" Rowan shrugged as he tugged on the strap of his bag, "Snake tried to jump me, until your thing made him slither off." "Oh, yeah..." Wendy thought about what Rowan said - there was a high chance he was lying through his teeth, but Wendy didn't bother probing into it. She merely looked Rowan in the eye, and shrug, "That...." She trailed off, "... Just happens." Awkwardly clearing her throat, Wendy's eyes wandered down towards the bag he was carrying. She [i]really[/i] wanted to know what he had in the bag - but, Wendy was smart enough to know not to ask right off the bat. "So, I'm [i]Wendy[/i] from Ms. Zhao's class... I swear I've seen you in there." A side-eye went towards Ellen, and she nodded in acknowledgement towards the girl. At that point he finally clicked and realised why she seemed familiar. "Yeah, I'm in her classes." "Oh! [i]Nice![/i]" Wendy said with surprising enthusiasm. "She... isn't the nicest, right? I kinda feel like she doesn't like me." She scratched the back of her neck, realizing that she really sounded pretty awkward right now. "Um..." "You've got that right," Rowan said, bluntly. "I get the judgemental look from her, like she [i]knows[/i] me." [I]Same as the rest of them[/i], he'd thought, tugging on his bag. "I mean, yeah, she is a little [i]condenscending[/i], but I don't think she's that bad." Wendy said, putting her hands behind her back. She looked at the bag once again, and briefly wondered what was in the bag. She could probably check with her new ability... but.... "So, maybe we should talk somewhere else...? I'm sure someone called a teacher." For a moment, he glanced over his shoulder, then shrugged. It wouldn't have done him any good if he got caught here and Wendy seemed to be alright. "I know a spot, I guess." Setting off, there was a spot at the edge of the dorms that he liked to visit often; it gave him a little solitude away from where the teachers and other staff would be loitering around, keeping an eye on people. "Yeah, thanks I guess," Rowan finally said in gratitude. "You're welcome." Wendy answered.