[@AdobeFlash] I'm actually waiting for sakura bb to have her post up before me, just so I don't muck up the whole meeting thing in the process (Yura and Dominique will join you guys soon after) OOOOHOHOOOO okay so for tv shows and stuff, i'm really into investigative police procedurals. Elementary and How To Get Away With Murder are my go-to babies Uhm, games... I don't really have a favorite, but if I had to choose they would totally be DmC4 and the newest DmC. I really enjoyed Witcher 2 as well. Oh, I also play LoL with a couple friends for the shits. ;D i'm absolute garbage tho lmao Oh, [@The Book Thief] will probably be coming back from her 5-day trip soon. :DD AUDREYYY CHENNNN