[center][h2] "There is always order in chaos, and in order there is always chaos." [/h2][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WIEIa4Z.jpg[/img] [i]"In the world of Menyamithl, time and space itself shift in favor of anomalies. Since the beginning of times, there has always been many records of a magnificent and beatiful world, rich with minerals and natural beauty, populated ba all manners of lifeforms. Existing out of this dimension Menyamithl is the palce that connects the threads of existence and links them to one place. With beautiful life created by gods and landscapes unseen óbefore, this is the new frontier to most. The world where everyone can begin anew. Granted you aren't in the way. This day, on the 22nd day of Anhis, The Sun of Sielik, 503 Grand circles after the great shift according to Mekar, the moon god Existence, the world experienced a shift only comparable to those of the creation. Portals accross the world have opened, spewing out massive armies of different creatures. The inhabitants watch from their homes, shaking in fear and anxiety as they look at the confused newcomers. The moons align, and show their faces, only Kulna, the god of Destruction keeps a her eyes off the world as it falls into chaos. Forsts disappears as newcomers settle, cities and settlemetns are razed, and only the strongest forts stand in the face of Destruction. As if the gods who created the world decided to abandon it."[/i] Hello and welcome to the new Crossover NRP on the Guild. It has beena long time since it last happened, and I decided to awake this sleeping beast. A hard task indeed, but it is definetly worth it. So what is this? Well take a seat and let me explain: A Crossover NRP is a roleplay where you can control a nation of your choice, and make it struggle in a brand new world of unknown possibilities. If you ever wanted to play your favourite faction from a game or book then here is your chance. If you wanted Warhammer marines to fight STALKER men in the tropical forests of floating islands, then you are in for a treat! Of course technological differences will arise, but those will be smoothened along the way. So don't worry about making a race of gigantic neolithic crocodiles that smash their way through gigantic mechs with laser guns. And yes you heard me well: You can amke your own race as well as choose it from existing media. Of course a race made to your own accord will certainly need more explanation to function properly, but this allows for infinite freedom. Your goal is exactly what it is in any NRP. Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate. Just like a 4x game. You can go to war, or establish diplomatic communications with people, but ultimately you want to get used to the new world and rule it. The crossover allows for greater diversity. Because you would love to see The Empire be allied to the Elves from LOTR. So here we are with a really good basic with sooooooo many fun hours to spend. What your job is: Use the CS Sheet below to make a race of existing or unique figures and choose where you want to be. But choose wisely! Where you start and what your tech level is, will determine the rest of your RP. If you have questions then just contact me or any of the Co-GMs. [hider=Sheet] Faction Name: (What's your faction called?) Origin: (Which media/fiction it originates from? How is it a different reality) Faction Type: (Are you a country, a secret organization? What kind of faction are you?) Leader: (Who's the highest authority in your invader/explorer/coloniser force?) Population: (How many people you have? See Rank.) Faction Rank: (What is your faction Rank? Use the explanation below) Influence Rank: (This determines your relation with NPC empires) Color: (Pick a color which will mark your settlements and borders) Assigned GM: (Which GM is governing you and controlling the surrounding NPCs?) Starting Area: (Place a dot on the map where your faction starts. This is also your city and border for now) Faction Introduction (Introduce your faction to us in brief. Who are they? Why are they in Menyamithl? What is their objective? etc. everything you think is important. If your people live in giant tress or underground, or any special trait, list it here as well.) Faction Features (What are your faction's most notable features? Speak in general terms, preferably put them in points as a list of strengths/weaknesses) [hider=Military] (Like it or not, armies will have some relevance here. If the faction is well-known just make it a unit list like 10,000 stormtroopers, 1000 Speeders, 400 AT-ST, 50 AT-AT. If it's obscure/fandom/original you gotta explain things more, often even giving a general description of the military NRP profile style. Due to the fact that this will grow and shrink as you do military campaigns, I left it in a hider so you can edit it as it changes. And please make sure you do) [/hider] [/hider] Whoo boy! Already, a huge shoutout to Willy Vereb whose Thread I use as a reference, and from where I shamelessly steal text cuz I am lazy ;D Now I included things we haven't covered yet. And here is the explanation for it. Just open the handy Hider and you'll see a world of magic (Magic is not included in the package, it is strictly for advertising purposes) [hider=Thingzies] Faction Rank: This is of uttermost importance. You faction can range from rank 1 to 10. This shows the relative tech level of your nation and gives everyone a general idea about your dangerousness. It also sets a cap for the Faction Size. Eg.: a Rank 1 faction of stone age primitives will have many people, likely 10 times more than that of a Rank 10, a bigger territory to house all the people, but a shittier tech level and less industry. A Rank 1 Faction should have around 100k people, whilst a Rank 10 should have no more than 2000. 100k 80k 60k 50k 30k 20k 15k 7.5k 4k 2k [hider=Ranks] Rank 1 Ancient Age technology or a faction roughly comparable to them in fighting power. 100k Army Rank 2 Middle Ages level development, roughly pre-gunpowder era. 80k Army Rank 3 Early Gunpowder age development, including the Age of Sails. Even if you don't meet this tech level if you have something comparable (say, common use of mages in combat), you're in this tier. 60k Army Rank 4 Inustrial/Pre-Modern age development (or something equivalent to it). Ironclads, rifles and the like. 50k Army Rank 5 WW1/WW2 level development. Tanks, airplanes, machineguns. Development of atomic bomb is generally excluded albeit you may research it. 30k Army Rank 6 Cold War era development. ICBMs, satellites and the like. 20k Army Rank 7 Modern to near-future era (10 years in advance or so) in development. 15k Army Rank 8 Futuristic (up to 50-100 years ahead the modern world) in development. Weak laser weapons, fusion energy, interplanetary travel and so. 7.5k Army Rank 9 Sci-Fi era. You have interstellar technology (even if you can't use it much here), space warships, energy gun, energy shields and other typical equipment. 4k Army Rank 10 The most advanced/powerful factions are these. Their reasonably powerful attacks/armaments are already weapons of mass destruction. They are a post-scarcity civilization with technologies bordering on magical (if not magical, in case it's an absurdly developed magic/fantasy faction). 2k Army [/hider] Influence Rank: Not much to say here. Better Influence will make it more likely that NPCs avoid you, and makes your borders bigger. This always starts at 1, and can grow up as you conquer more land, and expand your army. Population: Standard civilians are not enccessarely a thing, but I advise that you do indeed get some some. Most likely you cam to this world so you can kill shit and burn some other stuff, but without people who farm for you or make ammunition and work in factories, you'll have a hard time going far in your conquest. This should be around the size of your military force max, and more advanced techs will obviously make it so you need less people :P Military: Please note on this section that not all of your starting pop can be Military Personnel, unless your description says otherwise, in which case you'll get less people in total. Please make it so your Army size is around 40-50% of your population. The composition should be realistic, so no god moded all mechs style things. Like around 60% Infantry, 20% light motorized, 10% heavy motorized, and 15-15% Aircraft and Support (this is only a draft). [/hider] And Finally some more about the world you are in :D [hider=WRLD] Menyamithl is a unique palce that exists in a separate plane of reality. As thus there is no real space travel, and there is a amgical force preventing all high tech nations from exiting the highest orbit of it. Whilst the moons themselves are pretty close, it is impossible to land on them, and having such things as space stations around them usually meets the wrath of gods, with accidents and enraged tribemen to carry them out. Menyamithl has it's own Calendar. It is composed of 472 days and 6 months, Anhis, Fensu, Kalah, Nonedar, Sirtien and Haskon. The first two are each 78 days long, the rest is 79 days long. A day lasts around 31 Earth hours, with 18 hours of night every day. This lets the 3 moons of the planet, Kusha, Mekar and Kulna to shine as bright as they can, often making nighttime to be filled with dank lightning. (for more info, I have a link with the [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj7l9j1skesp71v/Calendar.json?dl=0]JSON[/url] file that you can use at [url=https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/calendar/]donjon[/url], which I highly recomend as it will give you a better insight on the NPC events and teh general gist of the time passing.) And finally we have a world map, that is also thanks to donjon. It marks the major cities and nations that already exist, and shows the natural landscape. However feel free to add things like faces in teh mountain or gigantic skeletons of long dead creatures if you wish so. Floating islands are also allowed, but when you amrk your place on the map, please tell us if you spawned on one. [img]http://i.imgur.com/FJjusue.jpg[/img] [/hider] That is it all folks, if you have any questions or you noticed any mistakes you can notify me and I will try to respond. More info will be sure to come if needed :D (turns and the gods.)