[center][h3][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Road North of Salarn, Day Two[/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] Lerraina [/center][/b][hr][hr] Keystone was a man of great physical conditioning. It was a fact that no one could argue. Unfortunately, he was also a man of everpresent rage, bubbling just below the surface. Sometimes these two things didn't come together in a manner that was peaceful or socially acceptable. Luckily, he tended to have an outlet for these frustrations in the application of more martial pursuits. Just sometimes, his anger served to allow him access to the upper limits of his physical potential, as witnessed by the removal of the wheel from the mud a moment ago. Of the many recent arrivals to the group, Keystone found his first impression of the woman was slightly more favorable than previous ones. Maybe it was because he had just released a load of angry and accomplished something constructive in the process. Maybe it was because she was pretty forward about not sharing, rather than attempting to be mysterious. Quite possibly, Keystone just lost the willingness to maintain effort necessary to continue giving a rat's hindquarters in the first place. So long as their employer and his wares remained safe until the completion of their contract, he was learning to let details slide. When the new girl sided up to Keystone, he realized that despite his touch of favoritism, he wasn't about to immediately trust her. After getting the tarp back in place, the errant pugilist surreptitiously checked for his moneypurse while readjusting his coat and knives. [color=b8860b]"Good on ya, Gretchin."[/color] remarked Keystone noncommittally. [color=b8860b]"Common name where I'm from, that. Mayhap we're neighbors."[/color] They continued for some time when he spoke again. [color=b8860b]"We got two more days north, til we get where we're gettin', Miss. Later on today, we're meetin' with our Guard Captain up ahead, scoutin' for a rest point. You'll like her. Smartassed archer type, y'see."[/color] Keystone nodded at their new addition and continued plodding north alongside the wagon. He was still somewhat annoyed about missing the last couple of meals, but as one of his favorite sayings was [color=b8860b][i]The best meals are the ones y’look forward to[/i][/color], he was going to have one hell of a supper at the next opportunity.