[hider=Cindelpaw] [b][color=white]Name:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Cindelpaw [/color] [b][color=white]Gender:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Female[/color] [b][color=white]Rank:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Apprentice[/color] [b][color=white]Clan:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Cliffclan[/color] [b][color=white]Appearance:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Long, gray fur with mild green eyes. There is a splash of white fur on the tip of her tail as well as on her chest.[/color] [b][color=white]Personality:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]Loud and brash, Cindelpaw is a bundle of energy and determination. Even though she’s only an Apprentice, she treats herself like a Warrior and is often seen hanging out with the Elders anyway. Thus, it’s understandable for one to mistake her for actually being one by personality alone…when she lacks the real maturity and appearance to completely pull off the ruse. Even so, these faults are what gives Cindelpaw her “charm”. She’s quick to stand up against others if she sees what she perceives as morally wrong acts. This behavior often puts her at odds with authority, giving her quite the delinquent streak in Cliffclan. Just one more price to pay for her voice to be heard. [/color] [b][color=white]Relationships:[/color][/b] [color=c4df9b]So far Cindelpaw is treated like any other Apprentice in her Clan. She does hold great respect and adoration for her mentor though, often boasting that her mentor is the strongest Warrior in the Clan.[/color] [/hider] [b]RPs Featured In:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/126662-warriors-new-beginnings/char#post-3659936]Warriors - New Beginnings[/url]