[color=fff200][b]Arina Mifune[/b][/color] – Shikatsu – Pizza Killing Robots!? So much had passed for Arina who after falling to the ground like a klutz just watched the carnage silently from the bus she steadied herself on with the help of the unknown man who could be found nowhere in sight after tripping like a klutz. So much of the current reality of her surrounding had been taken into her mind. A truck that erupted into flames, killer pizza delivery bots emerging from the wreckage that fired pizza at tremendous amount of force, she was deathly quiet, her eyes widened, her expression tight-lipped, as she was screaming internally. You would find this is some weird sci-fi apocalyptic movie Arina thought but…but…this was real. What was even more real was the fact she saw the emergence of mythical beings such as Benkei and Kaguya-hime...Arina and had to survive and that rested upon the individuals fighting against the pizza-bots who surrounded them. Arina only plan was to record this on video. The world needed to know what was happening and with her Liveleak App on her Android and logged into her account, she recorded video of the ensuing battle behind the bus.