[@BlackPanther] StormCrow / Floor 4: Angels Rest / Level 25 StormCrow grinned at 'Reaper' before shaking his hand and saying: [color=gold]"Excellent! I am sure out adventures will be quite enjoyable. I of course understand your wish to get to know us better, it gladdens me that you are even contemplating joining with us. My name is StormCrow. My rather... less eloquent companion here is Derringer. She is a dear friend of mine and my second in command. Just be warned she is rather... blunt with her way of talking. If it would be of interest to you then the three of us could possibly look into taking a quest? In order to see each other in action?"[/color] he smiles politely after giving his short speech, doing his best to appear trustworthy even with his knack for appearing rather creepy sometimes.