[@carla6677][@Overlord24] "Yeah and if I catch you with any of this, I'll slap you like I said before." he said taking the things. "Get yourself clean..." Nate said to her "You think Luke will like you doing this? what do you think he would say to you now if he saw you like this? You think he's be happy about this? You think he'd want to see you throw your life away? Luke and I didn't get along all the time but he love you to death! even if he was to die...he'd never want you to do this. Luke got on my nerves and I beat him up at times....but...in the end...he still viewed me as his older brother and cared." Joel had to think of how to explain. "Alex...." he said trying to get him not to tease his brother. "Avary...eh....uh....hmm...*sigh* son, are you having sex?" he asked bluntly unable to think of the right words to beat around the bush.