[color=662d91][center][h2]Sachiko Kanno|Fleeting Cloud[/h2][/center][/color] Sachiko clicked her tongue in annoyance she was not expecting for it to willingly accept damage. Still this could work in her favor cursing her luck as it started to turn towards her she she altered trajectory path to land on a branch rather than continuing her path downward. Keeping in mind it was focusing on her she decided to try and keep it that way as she rushed forward using an ability of her flames to extend her knives blades to become as long as swords. With a signal she motioned for Asteion to attack from behind as she charged forward. It was a risky plan but if it worked the fight would hopefully be over. Expecting it to start firing at her she started to zigzag randomly in her rush forward charging it in a head on assault. This would hopefully keep injuries to a minimum as she tried to end this fight and check on the boss sure a Arcobaleno was with them but it didn't hurt to be safe.